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COMMUNITY TO BE | Civic Europe
Environment and sustainability, Community development, Enhancement of cultural and natural heritage for t


Activating youth for sustainable development in remote areas of Basilicata


Who is behind this?

Ottavia Arenella

Fondazione Santagata per l'Economia della Cultura


Who is joining forces?

Wonder Grottole


Netural Coop


Comune di Grottole


Municipality of Miglionico (; Società cooperativa Caracol (; Azienda Agricola Montemurro (


Idea pitch

COMMUNITY TO BE will engage 75 young people (15-30 years old) of Grottole and Miglionico, remote areas of Basilicata, in a process of civic activation. Taking part in a camp and in a urban-rural game that will stimulate their reflection on specific local challenges, they will build capacities for undertaking significant actions and set-up bottom-up innovative initiatives that stimulate the community’s engagement in sustainable development and the creation of a lively local environment.

Where will your project idea take place?

Municipalities of Grottole and of Miglionico and Park Bosco Coste, Basilicata region, South Italy.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The project develops in the Lucanian hinterland, an area marked by numerous problems: isolated locations, low population density; phenomenon of migration towards larger urban centers and a low civic involvement of young people. Basilicata, with its 563,000 inhabitants, is the region with the lowest population density in the South (56 inhab./Sq. Km). Despite its territory generosity, Basilicata seems to be destined to depopulation, losing thousands of young graduates every year, who will hardly return to invest here. The locations are Grottole, Miglionico and the Bosco Coste, located on the border between Grottole and Miglionico. These two small towns are in the province of Matera with a total of about 4,500 inhabitants, and a negative trend of demographic variation equal to -1.5% per year.

Who are you doing it for?

The project targets 75 young people aged 15-30, divided into 2 groups: 15-18 and 19-30 years old. Young people of 15 to 18 years old living in the area are about 200; most of them attend secondary school and is close to making important choices for the future: to continue education away from home or to conclude their studies. Young people aged 19 to 30, find themselves in a more dramatic situation: the majority of the population in this age range has left to attend university, or looking for more appealing jobs. Those leaving the province, usually return to visit their families during winter and summer holidays; few decide to stably come back and settle here. Although there is a sincere sense of belonging, there’s a diffused perception of scarce opportunities for their future.

How do you plan to get there?

1) Final need-assessment, preparation of a work plan and stakeholder meetings
2) Realisation of the Youth Camp: 25 people (15-18 yo) take part in a 5-days activity at Bosco Coste Park, where guided excursions will alternate with training and planning for sustainable development.
3) Realisation of the Urban-Rural Game: an itinerant, 2-weeks collective live game engaging 50 people (19-30 yo) in civic and creative regenerative transformation, 20 from Grottole, 20 from Miglionico and 10 from the rest of Italy.
4) Follow-up meetings will take place to share the progress of implementation of the actions conceived by the young people and to favour their adoption among other local stakeholders.
5) Monitoring, evaluation and dissemination of the impact on youth civic participation.

What are the expected results?

One year from now, 75 resident young people will have:
-developed knowledge and understanding of specific local challenges to be tackled in order to ensure a sustainable development of local cultural and natural heritage, in line with the Agenda 2030 goals;
-built capacities for undertaking significant civic action addressing those issues and activated bottom-up, innovative initiatives that stimulate the whole community’s engagement and the creation of new opportunities that create a lively local environment;
-be empowered to present their actions and ideas to local associations and public institutions, securing their active contribution to the life of the community;
-create a collaborative network with particpants from the rest of Italy and other communities.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Through the actions foreseen, COMMUNITY TO BE aims at increasing the involvement and active participation of young people from different Lucanian municipalities. The youth will share their understanding of the local challenges, enhance the skills required to undertake civic action, and generate and enact specific initiatives to address those challenges, posing the bases to create local opportunities for the future community they want to be. The project will work to build a pro-active attitude towards change, accompanying the process of activation of the young citizens in the community. COMMUNITY TO BE will promote the sustainable development goals set by Agenda 2030 and champion an awareness of the territory’s resources to stimulate a sense of belonging.

Why is this idea important to you?

We are a group of organizations, institutions and individuals with a strong connection with Grottole and Miglionico. Many of us were born here, some of us now live in the surroundings, some reside elsewhere but have maintained a strong and stable connection with their community of origin, where our families still live. We have experience working in the social and cultural sectors, stimulating contamination and innovation through project ideas with a strong impact.
After realising experiences of youth active citizenship in other areas of the region and of Italy, and enriched by the recent success of the project Wondergrottole, we have matured the desire to support the youth of today in building the community they want to be tomorrow, here.

€ 70000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Travel and accommodation: 8.000
Meals for participants: 10.000
Personnel costs: 30.000 (Project manager: 6.000; Youth Camp: 10.000; UR-Games: 10.000; Follow-up: 2.000; M&E: 2.000)
External educators and experts: 10.000
Office & materials: 6.000
Dissemination of project results (events): 2.000
Communications: 4.000
We are looking for additional sources of funding from local and national institutions. We envisage co-financing by the public bodies involved and an in-kind contribution.

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would like to receive feedback and suggestions about our proposal or any idea that could improve it. We are willing answer any questions about the project.





Giulia Avanza


Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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