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Community Laboratory | Civic Europe
Arts and cultural activities, Social inclusion

Community Laboratory

Including socially excluded individuals in the creative theatrical process to increase their interpersonal skills and chances for participation in the cultural and social life of their communities.


Who is behind this?

Diego Pileggi

Jubilo Foundation


Who is joining forces?

The Municipal Centre for Social Services


Stowaryzszenie Pomocy Iskierka (Spark Association)


Grotowski Institute


We also plan to partner with the Municipality of Wrocław and local cultural and social non-profit organizations who will support us with the dissemination and room space to run workshops and training.


Idea pitch

Theatre is considered the most sophisticated part of the cultural sphere, making it even less accessible to isolated and disadvantaged communities. We want to create a space for artistic expression for those among socially excluded: seniors and vulnerable youth. Using our original tools and methodology, we will build a theatrical piece with their participation as performers and storytellers, allowing them to meet, their voices to be heard, and including them in the local socio-cultural scene.

Where will your project idea take place?

Wrocław, Lower Silesia, Poland

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Since government restrictions related to the Covid-19 pandemic have severely limited access to cultural activities and simple human interaction, groups and individuals who, because of their specific disadvantages, are typically pushed outside of society are now even more isolated in their communities or living facilities. It became way more difficult for them to acquire social skills and enter new interpersonal relations, which support better integration and engagement in civic and social activities. In our region, there are still very few artistic initiatives that professionally deal with the research, training, and development of the pedagogical methodologies that can counteract cultural and social exclusion, especially in the theater environment.

Who are you doing it for?

In the 1st phase, we want to reach theatre operators, cultural animators, educators, social workers, and students who wish to apply creative methods within their work frame to support the process of rebuilding an inclusive cultural life in their communities after returning to the post-covid reality. We will recruit them locally and nationwide. In the 2nd phase, we will invite two marginalized groups: the elderly living in nursing homes and vulnerable youth from the local community center. According to a 2020 study on the quality of life of the elderly in Poland, only 15% participate in the activities run by nonprofits in their area, and only about 7% are active members of civil society organizations. Seniors from big cities are also two times more likely to experience social isolation.

How do you plan to get there?

We will start with recruiting 10-15 theatre operators to train as future leaders who will incorporate our methodology into their framework. In parallel, we will establish working relationships with the institutions and facilities that will help to recruit the participants in our local community. Our action plan:
Phase one
Preparation and public presentation of the project - Oct 2021
Call for theatre operators and selection process - Oct-Nov 2021
Intensive workshops for theatre operators - Nov 2021, Jan 2022, Feb 2022 (3 to 5 days/per meeting)
Phase two
recruitment of elderly and youth - Jubilo with partners - Jan 2022
1 training a week/2h per group (2 groups, 8-12 people each) group building process, vocal and physical exercise, only with Jubilo - Feb 2022
1 workshop a week/2h per group (2 groups 8-12 people each) acquiring the language, meeting and developing mutual process with Jubilo and the theatre operators, developing horizontal communication on needs and the theme - Mar/Apr/May 2022
an integrational meeting between the groups - May 2022
1 rehearsal /week/3h each with both groups plus extra weekend sessions - Jun 2022
presentation of work/performance - end of June 2022
evaluation and final report - July 2022
We plan to invite a researcher who studies artistic interventions as tools for social change, who will help us better understand the impact of our work.

What are the expected results?

In the 1st phase, participants will gain new competencies to apply theater techniques in social settings and to create their own projects that counteract socio-cultural exclusion in their communities. In the 2nd phase, seniors and youth from our community will gain better access to socio-cultural activities and acquire new social skills such as confidence, communication, and independence, which will support integration, engagement in social participation, and open them up to new interpersonal relationships. The audience and family members of the participants will also raise their awareness about socio-cultural exclusion. Finally, we will create a bridge between two very distant generations, allowing them to learn from each other, and understand each other's worlds and perspectives.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Socially excluded citizens rarely engage in civic activities either because they lack skills or access to decision-making. We will provide our target groups with a safe and creative space where they can develop interpersonal and social skills, exchange different perspectives and experiences, find their voice, and gain confidence and self-esteem that will empower them to engage in more civic activities in their communities. We will also strengthen young practitioners in how to address social exclusion issues through artistic interventions, by providing training and expanding the group of professionals who will later work on their own projects. We will also bring the attention of local authorities to the importance of such initiatives, hoping to boost public funding and their support.

Why is this idea important to you?

Jubilo Foundation has been developing and applying theater techniques in the social environment in the Lower Silesia region for many years. We worked with the local Roma community, inmates of closed prisons, people with disabilities, children, and youth, seniors, refugees, and the homeless. Our mission is to engage the community in Wroclaw and Lower Silesia and to start a process of democratization of the Theatre, which is to become an active tool of social change. The core of the team consists of Diego Pileggi - theater director, actor, and pedagogue who co-created Jubilo and its methodology of work; Aleksandra Gronowska - vocalist and pedagogue who leads the Community Choir and is actively involved in all social projects; Małgorzata Wrzosek - vocalist, actress, and art therapist.

€ 33000,-

Total budget

€ 33000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

I. Personal costs 23'000€
I.1 artistic (trainers, director, dramaturge, scenographer)
I.2 project management and technical support, researcher
II. Purchase of materials and services necessary to project implementation 6'000€
II.1 materials for workshops, scenography, costumes, and props
II.2 transport of participants and food during rehearsal
III. Administration costs 4'000€
III.1 rent of office and spaces for workshops and presentation
III.3 promotional materials and office costs

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We will be happy to hear if you like our idea for this communal project and what could be improved or explained better in the proposal. Any constructive feedback is very welcome! Also, feel free to invite us to partner with you on a European level!


Jubilo Foundation

Anna Cłapińska


Idea created on April 23, 2021
Last edit on April 26, 2021

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