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Community Hub | Civic Europe
Community development, Social inclusion,democracy and participation,envir

Community Hub

Valcea Community Hub


Who is behind this?

Ramona Victoria Chirita Costache

Asociatia Cataleya/Yris


Who is joining forces?

Asociatia Cataleya/Yris



Idea pitch

The project aims to develop 6 disadvantaged communities in Valcea County (Baile Govora, Berbesti, Pausesti, Calimanesti, Balota, Madulari) by supporting local initiatives. The initiatives will be based on the needs of each community related to civic involvement, the development of online education, environmental protection, preservation of traditions, art and culture or tourism promotion. Candidates with the best ideas will benefit from a Leadership and project management course.

Where will your project idea take place?

Baile Govora, Berbesti, Pausesti, Calimanesti, Balota, Madulari, Valcea County, Romania

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Valcea County is located in the Oltenia region, it has the highest percentage of population exposed to the risk of poverty and social exclusion, respectively, 45.6% compared to the national average of 40.4%.
According to the socio-economic analysis of the county of SV Oltenia region, Valcea county does not have many opportunities for inhabitants and European institutions recommend projects in which people from the community together with local authorities to find ideas for communities to grow socially, economically and economically and cultural.
The project is an opportunity for Valcea county to encourage civic participation by making projects with impact in those six communities since all of them are social and economical disadvantaged.

Who are you doing it for?

For this project we have as target groups, the six economically and socially disadvantaged communes in Valcea County. In these communities there is a lack of educational activities for students, lack of tourism revitalization ideas, lack of cultural events for all the citizens, unexposed traditions, lack of connections between needs and solutions but also a resignation of people regarding positive changes in the community. In this project we want to map the problems that are facing these communities and together with people who want to make a change in the community to help them create projects with impact for this projects for 600 beneficiaries from the six communes, these being included in the category of persons with fewer opportunities and NEEts.

How do you plan to get there?

We have the following steps for implementing the project:
1. Announcing the idea of ​​the project on social media and in the communities involved
2. Making two project writing workshops for people motivated to make a change in the community
3. Submission the projects initiated in the workshops
4. Selection by 2 external evaluators 6 projects that can bring a change in the communities involved the project
5. Organizing a course called "Leadership and project management" for the members of the selected projects
6. Implementation of the 6 projects in communities (6 month is the duration of a project)
7. Organizing check-in meeting to observe the evolution of projects
8. Dissemination of the projects online and in the community
9. Completing the Final evaluation of the project

What are the expected results?

For this project we have the concrete results:
1. Two courses of writing projects for almost 50 persons from Valcea county
2. Six projects selected by two external evaluators that will be implemented in the communities involved in the project.
3. A training course called "Leadership and project management"
4. A Facebook page updated with all the activities from the project
5. Two articles in local and regional newspapers.
After this project 18 people will learn how to write a project and to implement it in the community for almost 600 beneficiaries. Our idea is to empower the people from community to learn "how to fish" not just give them the fish by offering them the proper environment. We want to focus on social, educational, civic and cultural development of those communities.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The project is based on supporting local initiatives for those six economical and social disadvantaged communities to grow social, educational, touristic and cultural. For this, we intend to implement two project writing courses for people in the community and to support people to submit a projects according to the needs of those six communities. The organization will support them during the implementation of the projects with Leadership and project management courses, check-in meetings, partial and final evaluations of the projects.
Through these 6 projects, the active participation of the people from Valcea County will be encouraged in order to create lasting connections and partnerships with an impact in the community.

Why is this idea important to you?

It is important to encourage the desire of citizens to be active and motivate them to stay active and set a good example to their fellow citizens.After the covid pandemic, solidarity taught us that united are stronger, and freedom, democracy, unity are values ​​that must be promoted.

€ 32330,-

Total budget

€ 32330,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Project Manager 9,840 euro
Grant manager for project monitoring 2400 euro
Senior social media and community manager 3600 euro
Trainer for writing projects workshops and training course 1500 euro
Budget for the six winner projects: 9000 euro
Cost of the Training course (5 days) "Leadership and project management" 4000 euro
External Evaluators 600 euro
Transport money for the meetings the rural communities 390 euro
Costs for consumable used for workshops, training course etc. 1000 euro

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

As our community is not used to workshops and training courses, it would be good to advise us how to attract them to these opportunities. Also, we will be grateful to receive advises and methods on monitoring winning projects.



Idea created on May 14, 2020
Last edit on May 20, 2020

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