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Collaborative art installation "The Walls Speak" | Civic Europe
Arts and cultural activities, Community development

Collaborative art installation "The Walls Speak"

Interdisciplinary wall art, including a mosaic with an images and integrated inscription "United We Stand Strong", fresco and an interactive, mobile module artwork of letters and symbols


Who is behind this?

Stanimir Bozhilov

Foundation "Public Art"


Who is joining forces?

Bailovo Guildhall


Hristo Botev School , Gorna Malina


New Bulgarian University



Idea pitch

There are mosaic compositions of co-existing letters and symbols of different cultures and civilizations. Goal of the project is „the invitation for co-creation” of the public in the art process changing the mobile installation on one of the walls in a big number of possibilities and word combinations. The changing figurative environment in the architectural space allows for equal access to art, to people of all social and ethnic groups, helping them to be a part of the whole cultural process.

Where will your project idea take place?

The project will be accomplished in Central Bulgaria in the village of Bailovo.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Bailovo is a typical Bulgarian village with a population of around 500 people. In the neighbouring villages there is a Roma population. There are monuments of the great Bulgarian writer Elin Pelin, of anti-fascism partisans, but in the last 30 years of democracy, agriculture, factories, and cinema have been closed and nothing new and socially useful has been created. People are going to the big cities and abroad. The unkept substation is giving a bad image to the village’s centre and it is not liked by local society. In recent years, culture and art is more centralised in the big cities of Bulgaria and in the rest of the country only the electronic media remain, the feeling that nothing positive is happening anymore, the apathy and alienation between people.

Who are you doing it for?

The process of engagement with the ideas and problems of the project began with the local mayor and nearby man, in the local pub. Everyone gave ideas and propositions for each element of the project. In the next stage there will be materials and a book about the project, left in the local shop, where the local people can write their own ideas. The word panels will be made by 30 junior high school students from the school of Gorna Malina. In reality, their number could be unrestricted, which will create the opportunity for young artists of different universities and schools to take part in the project and its challenges and unlimited potential.

How do you plan to get there?

With my team we have a broad experience in developing large fresco projects. In the early stages every detail of the project is planned. There are meetings with students and a part of the painting is given to them to develop, under mine and a lecturer's supervision. The construction for the work would be done by local workers, who would provide night lighting. The mosaic would be developed in a workshop and then installed on the designated wall. The conception and models of the project would be put in brochures written in English and Bulgarian. There would be a modest opening for the community.

What are the expected results?

The spiritual and aesthetic pleasure are commensurate with empowerment. Not only the wealthy and those living in the city should have access to this luxury. With the participation of dozens of young artists and their friends and followers, audiences are growing and rejuvenating. In a year, it would be a success if the changed and aestheticized space inspires pride and self-respect in residents and visitors of this changed region.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

In our project, on the main wall, is the mosaic image of the Bailovo-born, and renowned in the whole of Bulgaria centenarian Dedo Dobre (1915-2018). One of the few positive personalities of our time, religious person, personifying Bulgarian traditions and the Christian spiritual qualities, such as optimism, tolerance, benevolence, and good heart. With the realisation of the project, the substation can become a spiritually emotional pillar in this neglected public area. The interactive part of the project allows for equal access to art practices for the local people, as well as guests, helping to develop the cultural tourism of the region. Art in open environments is the most democratic form, because of its ease of access and social engagement.

Why is this idea important to you?

"White Walls Say Nothing," reads the title of a popular Argentine street art film in Buenos Aires. There are many good artists in Bulgaria and very little art that we see around us. We would like young artists to see that it is not necessary to go abroad to make art. To "hear" that here too the walls can "speak".

€ 53000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

20,000 for materials and tools
18,000 for staff expenses
4000 for transport
5000 for maintenance, lighting, rent
2000 for advertising materials
2000 for opening and logistics activities
1000 for awards for participating students

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

All kinds of comments and feedback would be very much appreciated.





Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on June 2, 2020

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