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Clean is the new green | Civic Europe
Environment and sustainability, Community development

Clean is the new green

Mapping of illegal dump sites and restoration of green heritage


Who is behind this?

Marijana Janjić

Local action group "SAVA"


Who is joining forces?

Udruga Robinia


The partnership with Udruga Robinia is the result of mutual goals and values. We have started the planning of projects together in 2018.


Idea pitch

We live in a magical land of green hills, enchanting forests and lush meadows. Almost. Although green heritage is the backbone of our community, it is filled with illegal dump sites. So, it’s time to bring magic back! How? Map the illegal dump sites, organize workshops and clean-up actions. Roll up the sleeves! Let's return green smile to mother nature so we can all enjoy it with clean water, fresh air, breath-taking strolls and safe space for all! Clean is the new green.

Where will your project idea take place?

In the rural municipalities of Zagreb county in Croatia, in which LAG SAVA works (7).

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Zagreb county is the green ring around capital city Zagreb. There are several smaller towns and a large number of rural municipalities. In 2011, county authorities located over 350 illegal dump sites in the county. Although different strategies have been implemented since, the problem still continues to exist. Moreover, rural areas are slowly loosing younger generations, so the sense of attachment and care for local issues is decreasing. Many of the rural areas are isolated from neighboring towns with few public transportation options and few options to educate themselves about safe garbage disposal and recycling.

Who are you doing it for?

We invite local communities in general to participate in this action. We focus on cooperation with local municipalities, local NGOs, farmers and hunters association and local schools to create a network of local actors. We plan to organize local meetings, do a survey of local opinions and include local citizens in mapping of illegal dump sites. Students in local elementary schools as well as youth and adults will be included in workshops on eco-sustainability and recycling as well as in actions of cleaning-up their environment and afforestation. Local citizens will be invited to put forward their ideas how to improve situation and to cooperate closely with local municipality in developing strategies and plans.

How do you plan to get there?

1. Advocating for our idea in local communities: gathering local volunteers for mapping of dump sites
2. Educational and creative workshops for local communities (a minimum of 21 workshops)
3. Mapping of dump sites - field measurements of dump sites, assessment of the amount and composition of waste (a total of 14 field trips)
4. Development of local action plans
5. Local clean-up actions
6. Afforestation actions
7. Installation of an information board in the areas of rehabilitated dump sites with the stated dangers of illegal dump sites and instructions on how to act in case of their reappearance
8. Dissemination of results in local and regional media

What are the expected results?

Members of local rural communities will reconnect and strengthen their communal ties. They will be more aware of the influence that dump sites can have on the quality of their life. The illegal dump sites will be mapped and the local communities will develop their own strategies how to solve the issues they cause. In the process they will be empowered in practicing democracy and learn more about local governments. School children will have positive role models in the community. Local communities will have safer and cleaner green heritage that can sustain them for a long time. Several illegal dump sites will be cleaned and made green and lush again.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The local community will take part in mapping of illegal dump sites in their vicinity, in workshops that emphasize sustainability and how illegal dump sites endanger their everyday activities and professions (farming, bee-keeping, access to clean water, healthy wildlife, and sustainable eco-tourism). After mapping and workshops, members of local communities will make action plan of what should be done and what can be done to change the behavior. We expect to clean at least some smaller illegal dump sites and thus build sense of local community and togetherness. In those actions, neighbor relationships will also improve and care for other issues of common good will also be enticed.

Why is this idea important to you?

Both LAG SAVA and Robinia team members uphold values of sustainability as well as of clean and safe environment. Earth is our home and should be treated with respect. Hence, we emphasize looking at things from a broad perspective: what we do today to nature, good or bad, will return manifold to us tomorrow. Clean and safe environment is important for the preservation of good quality of life for each living being. If we manage to impart respect to people in local communities, old and young, we are doing something good for the benefit of entire planet as everything is inter-connected on Earth. Every day our actions influence billions of other living beings. We wish to make positive mark.

€ 46000,-

Total budget

€ 46000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

LAG SAVA personnel (2 people): 12.000 EUR
Robinia personnel cost (4 people) : 13.100 EUR
Mapping equipment : 2.000 EUR
Cleaning up dump sites equipment (10 sites): 7.500 EUR
Workshop materials (min 21 workshop): 1.200 EUR
Afforestation material (plants, etc.): 3.000 EUR
Info boards at rehabilitated dump sites: 2.000 EUR
Travel expenses: 1.200 EUR
Public relations: 3.000 EUR
Office expenses: 1.000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

How can our idea become better? Do you think it would be possible to implement it in your community? How would you organize activities? Did we miss a step somewhere, i.e. forgot to include something/someone important?


Marijana Janjic

Ana Orlović



Matea Kalcicek

Barbara Burcul

Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 26, 2020

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