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Citizens of Europe | Civic Europe
Social inclusion

Citizens of Europe


Who is behind this?

Ahmed Naciri

La rete della cooperazione internazionale (The Sardinian Network of International Cooperation)


Who is joining forces?

Regione Autonoma della Sardegna



Idea pitch

In a period of strong divisions and mistrust towards the European institutions, the project 'Citizens of Europe' pursues the objective of developing relations between the European Union system and different actors in the local context.
Through activities aimed at training and communicating the message of the EU, its institutions to the general public, we will pursue the challenge of strengthening active European citizenship.

Where will your project idea take place?

Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Sardinia is an island located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea. It is far from the rest of the European continent and consequently far from the decisions taken in Europe. Many Sardinian municipalities are in a state of isolation from the other centers, with really few information points about the opportunities offered by European political life, with the financial opportunities made available by the European Commission.
The problem we are trying to solve is the lack of confidence in the EU system on the part of Italian and non-Italian citizens, due to their geographical distance from European political decision-makers. We will talk also about the migration problem which historically affect the island.

Who are you doing it for?

We will involve all relevant actors in the local social system such as schools and universities. The participation of representatives of public bodies at different levels (mayors, municipal officials) is envisaged with specific actions and through the results and dissemination and the campaign.
The project involves the participation of artists; of experts in future EU programming; of experts in immigration policies.
The beneficiaries of our project will be Italian and non-Italian citizens, young and old.

How do you plan to get there?

The project is organized by increasing levels of community involvement, consisting of seminars, exhibitions, meetings that address issues related to active citizenship and the EU, once a month, with the creation of specific targets during each activity and followed by periods of dissemination and campaign in local communities.
1) Involvement of relevant territorial actors, including public admin;
2) Active participation of local communities, by setting up a mobile EU information point across local municipalities.
3) Campaigns for the presentation of European projects, electronic platform to promote civic participation;
4) Training in schools and university faculties;
5) Events and activities that will allows face to face dialogue and exchange of informations.

What are the expected results?

The core objective of Citizens of Europe is the setup of an effective dissemination activity to involve a broad audience during project lifetime and even after it.
The project aims to promote the visibility, the sympathy and the understanding of the European union, of his politic and of all the practical possibilities that the union offer to the highest number of citizens.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

European democracy is experiencing strong attacks because people are increasingly exposed to manipulation, populism and the most vulnerable often have no means to resist. To oppose this tendence we will try to increase the individual competence, with the aim to create developped personal opinion, to increase the quality of the participation in the life of the community; and to develop the respect for others who might think / do / be different. Through our program schools and universities, also thanks to municipalities, we will communicate the European message and opportunities of the EU.

Why is this idea important to you?

The importance we give to the realisation of this project idea lies in the aim of widening to the majority of citizens the European message so as to strengthen the active participation of citizens in the life of their communities and create a greater sense of inclusion.

€ 50000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Planning realization: 2000 eur
Camper (hiring cost for 1 year): 12000 eur
Advertising equipment of the camper: 3000 eur
Staff costs: 14300 eur
Insurance: 2000 eur
Cost for creation and management of the web site: 3000 eur
Cost of advertising material: 4500 eur
Fuel cost: 1500 eur
Events and activities set up: 5000 eur
Rental of premises: 2500 eur
Other costs: 600 eur



Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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