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#cisneklate. Polish First Aid project. | Civic Europe
Community development

#cisneklate. Polish First Aid project.

Youth First Aid educational project in Greater Poland.


Who is behind this?

Maciej Tomkowiak

Rysy Foundation



Idea pitch

#cisneklate is a polish educational project about First Aid in Greater Poland. In 2018 it was a social campaign, we have reached 90 000 people by social media.
In 2021 we want to:
- create a Mobile First Aid Information Centre;
- teach Qualified First Aid to teachers / youth workers;
- teach 2000 kids with parents by using new technology in rural areas in Greater Poland;
- buy and additionally organize fundraising campaign to buy in summary 30 training AEDs for schools from rural areas.

Where will your project idea take place?

Region: Greater Poland Voivodecship.
Rural areas, schools in villages, small towns.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Every year, almost 350,000 people in Europe die due to cardiac arrest!
"4 minutes of golden hour" - this is the time when the rescue operation has the best chance of bringing positive results and, consequently, saves lives.
Unfortunately, according to the polish governal documents, the average time from calling an ambulance to the arrival of emergency services is 8 minutes in the city and about 15 minutes in non-urban areas.
According to the statistics, in Greater Poland the lowest availability of medical services provided by emergency teams was noted.

Most Poles had their last contact with rescue knowledge during the driving course.
We asked around 100 teachers and youth workers. Most of them did not know what is AED. Many schools have just a phantom, but do not have AED.

Who are you doing it for?

We believe first aid and skills you need to have to save others people lives is somethin important for all of us - whatever you believe, whatever political option you are.

Our project (the name, which is a combination of polish words, the idea, the graphics on the webpage) is mostly for kids and youth and also for families with kids.

Only one in five Poles surveyed declared confidence in their skills in this field. In addition, as statistics show, although more than 40% of Poles declare that in the past they have witnessed an accident or a bump on the road, only in 15% of cases the victims are given first aid before the ambulance arrives.

How do you plan to get there?

1. We want to buy a 9-persons car with our graphics on it to take rescuers and equipment to rural areas. It is going to be "Mobile First Aid Information Centre".
2. We are going to contact local schools, governal bodies and NGOs and organize Qualified First Aid course for 20 teachers / social, youth workers.
3. We are going to:
- organize courses for youth and kids;
- organize in each area a "gamified family event" with games and competitions using our QCPR, AEDs, and Mobile First Aid Information Centre.
In summary train around 2000 kids and youths with families.
4. Finally, we are going to buy 20 AED and organize a fundraising campaign to buy at least 10 more AEDs for schools from rural areas so they can teach their kids and youth first aid in fututre with the whole equipment.

What are the expected results?

1. At least 30 schools or groups from rural areas will have AED and they will have the possibility to provide full trainings for kids and youth in their societies.
2. 20 teachers / youth workers will finish Qualified First Aid course and they can, after finishing the project
3. Around 2000 kids, youths with families will be trained during our courses, games and local events.
4. By using Mobile FIA Centre we can reach every village in the region during and after the project.
5. We will organize make a fundraising campaign to buy a least 10 AEDs for schools - that will bring people together to achieve one goal.
6. Our action would be more recognized in the region.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

We believe that by learning First Aid you also learn, how to help other people and perhaps save their lives. This can teach us, but also kids and youth, about solidarity and social awareness.
It is also very important to have "civil courage" - in order to stand out of the crowd during the accidents, if something bad happens, and help people who are in need. During first aid courses youth and kids does not only learn how to provide first aid. They learn also how to work in group, how to act, how to work in stressful situation.
Finally, we believe that this "civil courage" is a beginning to solidarity, to become an active citizen, sensitive to the needs of others.

Why is this idea important to you?

We are scout instructors, rescuers, water rescuers (Scouting Association of the Republic of Poland). We used to organize a lot of courses inside the scouting organisation.

But we have seen other kids and youths does not have such opportunities and that actually most polish people learn first aid 2 times during their education process - 1 time in schools (often without AED) and 1 time during driving licence course.

It is very important to teach first aid people from rural areas, it takes more time for emergency services to come there to help.

Our mission:
We would like young poles to have courage and knowledge how to save other people's lives.

Our vision:
We believe in polish schools which have AED and all the necessary equipment to teach kids and youth how to save lifes.

€ 37500,-

Total budget

€ 37500,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Mobile First Aid Information Centre, 9-people car with graphics (co-financed donation + Foundation); - 7500 EUR;
Travel and accomodation for Mobile FAI and rescuers in Greater Poland - 3000 EUR;
Public relations & graphic designer - 2500 EUR;
Qualified First Aid for 20 teachers / youth workers - 3500 EUR
Rescuers (trainings and events) - 5500 EUR
20 AEDs for 20 schools in rural areas - 3500 EUR
Movies - 1000 EUR
Educational materials - 2000 EUR
Personnel costs (3 people) - 9000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

How do you like our initiatives?
Do you have any ideas how to improve our project, our campaign?
If you know some organistaions, NGOs from other countries working in the same field, please let us know!




Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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