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Capture reality yourself | Civic Europe

Capture reality yourself shortlist

Мedia literacy center- Non-formal training for acquiring audio-visual media competencies, skills for creating productions by students.


Who is behind this?

Svetla Paneva

Association “Our world”


Who is joining forces?

Secondary School "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" - Sindel



Idea pitch

Using the media as a training method for young people in the process of integration of ethnic minorities and overcoming conflicts on racial, gender, ethnic grounds. The equipment of a student radio in the school, which will be managed by students is a workplace for acquiring new professional skills for the development of their personal potential, for the ability to work in a team and equipe them with a sense of responsibility. The project will enhance the socialization of the participants.

Where will your project idea take place?

village Sindel / Municipality of Avren ; region Varna, North – east Bulgaria

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The project will help the school to become a place to influence the target group of young people to increase interest in attending classes with motivation, creating social skills for tolerant communication in a multicultural and non-formal environment. To provide classes for the development of logical thinking and creative expressions. Essay writing groups, interview exercises, microphone work, student-to-student radio broadcasts are organized: school radio sections are news from the village and youth life, culture, history, sports, holidays, traditions, family and spiritual values, meetings with workers in various professions in regional media in Varna district.

Who are you doing it for?

The target groups of the project are 30 students aged 14-19 from the rural school and 20 young people (20-25 years), non-students and unemployed, living in the village. These young people do not have an established attitude towards cultural values and institutions, which hinders the expression of their abilities and talents. The parents themselves are not educated and do not have cultural needs, which leads to the inability to arouse interest in their children to cultural events. Despite the work of pedagogues, it is very difficult for these children to create a desire and motivation to be educated, because they isolate themselves. The center built through the project as a club form will aim to socialize young people and involve them in local and regional public life.

How do you plan to get there?

The project is a partnership between an NGO and a school from the village of Sindel/Avren,which provides participants as a target group(30 students aged15-25 and 5 teachers).
Objective: basic competencies for analysis of mass media products, differentiation of embedded media messages,media literacy and student radio. The project correlates with the local government's desire for students to be creators,not passive recipients of media messages. The focus is on "Civic Culture"for regional economic and cultural life.Students prepare for intercultural dialogue and increase their self-expression.
Month1-3:Studio Preparation,creative conversations with the media to provide lecturers and plan topics for student learning,e-mail and telephone communication between partners;purchase of school radio equipment.
Month4-9:Theoretical training and practice in student radio;lectures on media literacy, analysis of media products published on the Internet
Month9-10:Preparation of a radio program for the student radio,editorial consultations for writing essays and orthography
Month10-11:Training manual for media literacy, sharing positive experiences with student radio in the town of Ignatievo
Month12:Conducting a seminar with literature teachers from the municipality of Avren and reporting on the benefits of student radio;posting the results on the website of the school and the Association

What are the expected results?

The project results are:equipped student radio with a radio program in action,trained 30 students and 5 teachers as staff;Three conducted workshops on essay writing, art of speaking;skills for analysis of media products,media literacy;10original videos for event reality;2 seminars on photography, lighting, editing in a production company;1manual media literacy,2 visits to the local radio;1 seminar for teachers from Varna district for teaching good practice for non-formal education.As a result of the project,students will be motivated for a personal change in the communication they make,will understand its meaning,will practice through their productions-videos about the homeland,way of life and culture of the people. The local government will cooperate with them to implement local policies.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Building a student radio station as a local media ensures cooperation between the school, young people and the local government. Broadcasts and radio meetings will support their knowledge to increase their political culture and interest in various institutions, youth policies, processes of citizens' rights and obligations and other topics related to active membership in civil society. Trained and assisted by their mentors, students will conduct debates, learn to overcome differences and lead discussions. The fact that their written and spoken culture will be improved in an interesting and entertaining way speaks of the need to connect formal and non-formal education for this ethnic group and to conduct interactive lessons with non-didactic techniques, but with love and responsibility.

Why is this idea important to you?

Project manager:Dr. Iva Paneva-media literacy specialist, psychologist. Experience as a project manager of other teams from the municipality of Avren,related to minority groups.
Coordinator:Svetla Stoykova-School principal in the village of Sindel,teacher of Bulgarian language and literature. He knows well the region and the population in the village of Sindel. The issues and the specifics of the target group.
Organizer:Milena Zhelyazkova-Deputy Director of a school in the village of Sindel,teacher of information technology.She is familiar with problems in the region and the target group.
Project Secretary:Krasteva; Accountant:Argirova
Lecture:Stefanova-journalist, speech therapist;Varbanova-teacher of Bulgarian language;Sv. Paneva-pedagogue,economist,eng. Atanasova-digital specialist

€ 15820,-

Total budget

€ 15820,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Main budget expenditures:
The total amount for realization is 15820 euros:
- For office expenses and consumables-920 euros.
- For travel and daily expenses of specialists-720 euros.
- For project staff-1420 euros.
- For external services related to the construction and equipment of student radio and materials-7260 euros
- For contracts for services and fees of external trainers, experts-3640 euros
- For presentation of results, public relations and communication-1860 euros

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

The project supports 30 young people from the village of Sindel, Avren municipality, 90% from ethnical minority and facing criminal problems. By creating a local school radio station, the nonformal education activities will help youth’s social, language and communication skills and empower them.


Аssociation Оur world


Idea created on April 9, 2021
Last edit on April 13, 2021

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