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Breakthrough point | Civic Europe
Social inclusion, Community development

Breakthrough point

Extracurricular development in segregation of North Hungary


Who is behind this?

Orsolya Kolosi Csaszlovszkyné


Who is joining forces?

Szécsény Area Human Service Institution Maintenance Association.



Idea pitch

The aim is to help Roma children who are living in deep poverty to enter secondary education. Our extracurricular activities contribute to the school performance of students and to the reduction of early school leaving. Our goal is to develop the complex personalities of disadvantaged Roma students and to build a life path in a non-formal way.
Skills, competence and personality development in extracurricular activities.
English workshops, developing children's foreign language competencies.

Where will your project idea take place?

North Hungary, Nograd county,
Magyargéc, Nógrádszakál, Rimóc (3 segregations)

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Here, in some settlements, the proportion of Roma residents is close to 80-100%. The employment rate of the Roma minority is very low, including 10% for Roma women. This is mainly due to their low level of education. Entrepreneurial opportunities have also been exploited only to a very limited extent. The fate of the majority of Roma children,it is already sealed in primary schools. The parents appreciate the importance of schooling, they would send their children upwards in relation to their own situation, even though that the data show that poverty is appalling and that income from child labor would be sold at home as well. It is a myth, then, that gypsies are not interested in school. In schools where almost all Roma children attend, most are taught by unqualified teachers.

Who are you doing it for?

We set out to help children for whom neither the family nor the school alone can create the right conditions for school success and further learning. We want to help children living in a socially disadvantaged, low-stimulus environment. They start the first grade with a lag from the start.
At the same time, we believe that every student carries a spark of talent that can be harnessed in some area of ​​life because we cannot identify with the idea of ​​“doomed to failure”.
Anyone who experiences a series of failures in primary school is not very keen on a more demanding institution.
Such young people take up uneducated work, marry early and reproduce at a disadvantage. Their career choice is undemanding. These children have no chance of breaking out.

How do you plan to get there?

The needs assessment has already been completed. The president of Szécsény Region Human Service Institution Maintenance Association, who is also the mayor of Szécsény, held a consultation with the professional leader and the leaders of the presence houses about the necessity and expected success of our project. Our plans have been very positively received, They expressed their need for the project and were assured of their full support.Responsibilities and indicators were defined, and pace and resource planning was implemented.
1. Learning support - 20 hours
2. Helping conscious life-path construction - 20 hours
3. Compensation for social disadvantages, community development - 24 hours
4. Promoting social integration - 20 hours
5. Basics of foreign language communication - 20 hours

What are the expected results?

The results of the project cannot be narrowed down to improving school performance, although this is their primary goal. They can also have a positive effect on the cultural and leisure opportunities and quality of life of students or even the wider community. As a result of regular play, learning and other activities, children learn that whose strength is what, what can be expected from his knowledge, work, activity. Their social competence develops and will be able to:
• to accept others;
• positive self-esteem;
• effective communication and activity during interactions;
Their problem-solving skills are also developing. They will be characterized by high self-realization, high cooperation, which will be of great help to them, in all areas of their lives.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

We want to prevent the continuation of the trend that existing social differences do not disappear but are passed on. Our goal is to emphasize the importance of lifelong learning for children. This allows everyone to so that it can play an active role in society and thereby improve its quality of life, and that should be the disadvantage of a certain breakout point. Better education is usually associated with higher income, better health, longer life, more successful family life and civic participation. Another positive consequence is to strengthen social cohesion and trust is an essential tool in tackling the problems of disadvantaged young people. Our intention is to promote solidarity, that is, to alleviate economic and social injustice, and thus to create equal opportunities for them.

Why is this idea important to you?

I taught for several years and held after-school classes in segregation. I had the opportunity to look into their everyday lives and assess their options for the future. I want to give back two things to these kids from whom I got a lot of love: childhood and the vision.
In gypsy families, the world of children is neither spatially nor mentally separated from that of adults. There is no child-specific furniture, fairy tale and toy world. Children are constantly part of the adult world, life takes place before them.
At the age of 13 they have adult problems and are also treated as adults at home.
Such young people take up uneducated work, marry early and reproduce at a disadvantage. Their career choice is undemanding. They have no chance of breaking out, they can't imagine their future

€ 45000,-

Total budget

€ 45000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

room rental in 3 schools for 10 months: 5000 euros
travel cost: 3000 Euro
development tools: 10000 euros
digital devices: EUR 5000
PR: 2000 euros
project management: 10000 euros
salaries of teachers and developers: EUR 10,000

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would like to receive mentoring, publicity and funding from Civic Europe to carry out our project and to promote our civic activities in the region.



Idea created on May 17, 2020
Last edit on May 21, 2020

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