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Biela y Tierra / Crank and Earth | Civic Europe
Environment and sustainability, Community development

Biela y Tierra / Crank and Earth

Our food as a social change


Who is behind this?

Ana Santidrián

Asociación Biela y Tierra


Who is joining forces?

CERAI Centro de Estudios Rurales y Agricultura Internacional


Ayuntamiento de Berdejo


Sociedad de Productores de Fruta del Valle SAT Manubles*F


Asociación Cultural Torrijo de la Cañada


Idea pitch

Biela y Tierra shows real projects which currently are alternatives to confronting the challenges we face as a society. Travelling by bike, we exchange experiences in depopulated areas to empower producers and inform consumers towards food sovereignty.
We document this process with objectives such as raise awareness about ecological and sustainable diets, fight against climate change, bring visibility to the rural world, especially women and young people, or promote cyclotourism, among others.

Where will your project idea take place?

Manubles Valley occupies areas of Soria and Aragon (Spain) very affected by depopulation.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Manubles Valley´s productive wealth, quality of its water and spectacular landscapes make it a territory with great potential to inspire local solutions to the challenges posed by the 2030 Agenda:
Raise awareness about ecological and sustainable diets and the 17 SDG
Promote local consumption and circular economy centered on life
Fight against climate change
Bring visibility to the rural world
Show the difficulties faced by women in it and bring it closer to urban feminism
Introduce the entrepreneurial options for young people
Generate useful materials for others
Revitalize and invigorate rural areas and their social fabric, spreading the word about the project, the SDGs and the visited initiatives
Promote the bicycle as a symbol of social transformation and strengthen cyclotourism

Who are you doing it for?

Although Biela y Tierra is focused on primary sector and rural environment it affects the total population. Productive sector is the first link in the chain because they are the origin of the solutions. The objective is the awareness, participation and empowerment of societies that are sovereign in their food systems. There is life around food, in rural areas of Spain there are infinite proposals and solutions to meet participatory societies with very high levels of quality of life and very low environmental impact. Producers have an unknown story with fundamental keys to the ecosystem, coexistence and problem solving. The difficulties for women, youth and migrants are aggravated, and, in contact with that primary sector, they have a long way to improve.

How do you plan to get there?

We start to carry out the fieldwork with the location of the initiatives and contacting them to get a calendar that respects their work and makes ours possible. We have verified that this is a key to success, since producers normally feel that the media invade their times and spaces, do not respect their schedules, and sometimes try to tell them what to tell and how, acting as if their work reporting was far more important than yours to produce. This makes very difficult to generate in mass media a realistic discourse about the work that is done in rural areas and the work of primary sector.
1. Locations, initiatives, fieldwork/calendar
2. Route/stops/time for each one
3. Materials: interviews, pictures, video images, testimonies…
4. Connecting
5. Editing
6. Divulgate

What are the expected results?

We work for the alimentation people sovereign. Results are not immediate, because the transformation we propose cannot be imposed since can only be understood. Changes are slow, but they happen. Our community grows daily. Biela y Tierra (Manubles edition) would be our second intervention in route. Our proposal aims to improve the first edition, limiting itself to a much more specific territory and offering more possibilities. During our first edition biking north of Spain we have verified that solid networks are woven between the productive sectors. They strengthen themselves together and find themselves facing the same problems while those who access as consumers look for similar alternatives in their own territories to feed themselves in a healthy, fair and sustainable way.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

We empower producers and inform consumers towards a real food sovereignty and support rural population in many levels:
- New Narratives: we write and record new, unrushed and thoughtful stories with information and quality material.
- Means of Communication: alliances in the media which will have specific sections to show the progress of the route and report on the sites visited in each area.
- Going Viral: we use mass communication tools to spread our experiences and reflections personally. We directly reach a large audience through fresh, first-hand quality content.
- Face-to-Face: we connect directly with the locations throughout our trip. One-on-one communication with fundamental spokespersons: protagonists, inhabitants and the institutional representatives of the municipalities.

Why is this idea important to you?

We are concerned about the climatic and social emergency, the depopulation in very valuable territories of Spain and, ultimately, we want to combat a productivist and abusive model in favor of another that finally puts lives worth living in the center.
We firmly believe that by transforming our diet we will achieve other changes derived from it more easily. Besides, Biela y Tierra is a strategy to dignify the agrifood and forestry sector and rural areas.
It is important to us because we know that many small acts can change the world and we prefer to be the ones that do than the ones that watch.

€ 53000,-

Total budget

€ 45000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Travel and accomodation cost: 4.000 €
Personnel costs: 28.000 €
Public relations: 2.500€
Communication: 12.500 €
Office expenses: 6.000 €



Idea created on May 27, 2020

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