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Assistance Dog-Journey to Professional Growth | Civic Europe
Social inclusion, Community development, It appears that a few countries have general anti-

Assistance Dog-Journey to Professional Growth

Independent Audit-Multifunctional Center for training assistance dogs and beneficiaries to empower, transform and save lives in the disabled community to maximize a person’s potentials and abilities.


Who is behind this?


Slovenian Instructors Association - Centre for Guide Dogs and Assistance Dogs SLO- CANIS


Who is joining forces?



CANIS has been associated with REPS for more than 10 years and has developed into an independent association from the Section of Therapeutic Dogs and Assistance dogs at the REPS association.


Idea pitch

Dogs can be trained to perform many important tasks to assist people with disabilities such as providing new mobility,alerting or responding for medical diseases,building trust,independence in each other in everyday life.Core activity:develop basic working standards of rehabilitation practice with assistance dogs to create an accredited path into the profession of assistance dog instructor and to become leading centre for sensory integration therapy as part of social inclusion of individual.

Where will your project idea take place?

Maribor (0,3 Million),mainly affected in north-eastern less developed region of Slovenia (2 Million)

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

There is no guarantee that authorities listen to the Assistance Dog users without assistive standards or technology option.Especially in small countries where the number of AD users is very low and therefore not interesting for the law-makers.Let's hope the creation of the new Audit-Multifunctional center and European standard CEN TC 452 AD can make things better as it will represent the huge number of AD users not only in Slovenia but in whole of Europe (15000).Standardisation documents which are not part of legislation,are not obligatory unless legislation refers on their use.We must overcome barriers to progression of disabled people.We should create an inclusive workplace culture.We need to move forward to increasing,expanding and modifying opportunities for them. We continue to learn.

Who are you doing it for?

We address impaired persons and partners from this area as well as related NGO’s. We address equality and equal participation of vulnerable groups including those with special interests and needs–young, elder, multi-functional disabled, autistic, epileptic.We just start two new programes for 1.“Developmental Disorder Assistance Dog” to assist a person with autism, epilepsy, mental, behavioural or neurodevelopment disorder by supporting mobility, community engagement and acquisition of skills to manage challenging situations by providing interventions to reduce anxieties and increase safety. 2."Developing beneficiary’s/children's behaviour in social interactions" as an intermediate and promoter of relations. Key figures about the groups of people we are going to be working with is 200.

How do you plan to get there?

The main activities are:strengthening capacity and visibility of NGOs;networking and development of NGOs sector;usage and development of new social services;influencing public policies and legislation;analysis and best practice transfer;rising awareness about opportunities and challenges;collaboration with media. Main topics in focus are:2-day seminar to discuss details and refine strategy (date/location open);develop basic structure audit modules,website,possibly partnerships;circulation project summary among NGOs coalition;sector awareness campaign (date/location open);certification (basic structure of future accreditation for assistance dog trainees and existing professionals);completion project phase 1 and reporting.

What are the expected results?

There is no such a project in Slovenia yet, we are aware of the responsibilities and complexity, but we have enough knowledge that can be start and derived. In long terms, our primary goal is based on standardisation process, which we are leading through SIST TC IPV - CEN TC 452 Assistance Dogs and changing national law in the field of assistance dogs. Through our planned activities, we expect gradually higher interest for this topic and subsequently more pressure on decision makers. RESULT: unification of standards in field of assistance dogs and their implementation; access to global knowledge; improved awareness regarding new mobility and new social service with assistance dogs; "Hybrid model for audit"; be recognised for our expertise.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

We promote good practice from European Assistance Dog Schools (centres).Clients start to ask for good trained assistance dogs.It is time to fill the gaps between providers of such dogs-law makers-beneficiaries.We are breaking new ground.Our work resulted in invitation to cooperate in creation of CEN TC452 Assistance Dogs and new national law for Equal Opportunities for disabled people.We have a chance to work with different organizations which includes disabled persons in collaboration with specialist - educators.The AD users can be actively involved with the design of their mobility program to work towards specific objectives such as long cane training or achieving readiness for assistance dog training.Tasks that dog performs are directly related to a person who is individually coached.

Why is this idea important to you?

Dog is an excellent partner. It is our ongoing desire to bridge teh huge gap that still exists between professionals.Our DEVELOPMENT VISION is to become a leading centre for training of guide/assistance dogs in Slovenia for people with multi-disabilities.We are specialists,not generalists.Not bonded to profit earning,relieved of profit pressures,we take the long-term view of building long lasting relationships between the association,clients and its supporters.We feel that such a good project should not be stopped or terminated before its full potential is developed.MISSION:We will always act in the long-term interest of our assistance dog clients and stay focused on this single objective.Our goal is maintaining a high level of professionalism and participation in humanitarian activities.

€ 62500,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Staff costs 29.450,00 €
Travel and accommodation costs 3.550,00 €
Costs of external services 6.500,00 €
(events, presentations, public relations)
WEB seminars 3.000,00 €
Office expenses 15 % from all costs 7.500,00 €
We have a sponsor/partner to cover for the remaining portion of the budget which would not be covered by CIVIC EUROPE.

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We ask for very specific feedback about our idea. Thank you. SLO-CANIS Team



Idea created on May 20, 2020
Last edit on May 26, 2020

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