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Art Road | Civic Europe
Arts and cultural activities, Social inclusion

Art Road

Art as a basis on which to build a dialogue between citizens, the bringing together of communities and the exchange of knowledge.


Who is behind this?

Natascia Saravo

Maison du Monde



Idea pitch

The project that is intended to be realized will be divided into two phases: the self-construction, where professionals will activate workshops involving the community in the creation of street furniture. The second involves the use of those same spaces for the activation of a varied series of cultural and educational activities. It is planned the creation of a real street library in the form of wooden boxes, from which it is possible to take a free book and leave another one in exchange.

Where will your project idea take place?

Sant'Agata de' Goti, Campania, Italia

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The challenge is to be able to involve citizens in active policies, through taking care of a space in a state of abandonment, activating workshops of self-construction of street furniture and then living those spaces using them as a meeting place, non-formal learning (through the activation of workshops of reading, dance, music, fitness), exchange of knowledge.

Who are you doing it for?

The target group to which we refer is not unique, ranging from children who will have the opportunity to engage in activities designed ad-hoc by professionals in the field of childhood (construction of puppets, paper theater), adolescents, who can take courses in music, dance, photography and painting, to older people who will take care of a photographic exhibition consisting of historical photos of our country. All workshops will be activated by professionals with proven experience in the field.

How do you plan to get there?

It is intended to implement this program through three phases: the first design, the second of self-construction, where professionals will activate workshops involving the community in the creation of street furniture. The third involves the use of those same spaces for the activation of a series of cultural and educational activities. The creation of a real street library is foreseen.
Workshops of DIY gardening and construction of street furniture.
The street furniture will be decorated with the guidance of a street artist.
Training workshops:
-for the Arts and Entertainment area: involvement of children and adolescents and adults through courses in music, dance and acting at a basic level in the Amphitheater area. At the end of the workshops there will be a final show where the subjects involved will be able to perform putting in place what they have acquired and made them;
-For the Creative Writing area: involvement of all age groups through courses of writing fundamentals and approach to reading immersed in a natural setting;
-Art, Photography and Graphics: involvement of all age groups through basic courses.
-For the fitness area: involvement of all age groups through workouts of increasing intensity depending on the starting level (beginner-intermediate-expert).

What are the expected results?

It should be noted that the common thread that connects all these activities, is recognizable in the strong desire to restore and rediscover the beauty of real contact between human beings and the surrounding environment so as to give life to experiences concretely evolutionary away from the dynamics of deleterious rampant social.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Being totally involved in the requalification of a green area in disuse, starting from the self-building of street furniture, choosing colors, materials (all eco-friendly), can make the citizen feel at one with his environment, improving social skills, having to collaborate with others. Once the area of aggregation has been requalified, he will give life to it by participating in workshops held by local artists, such as musicians, dancers, singers, photographers, painters, etc.. He will take care of it, he will feel part of it, he will be able to suggest to the leader association improvements and/or modifications, and still suggest which workshops of interest to activate. All this in collaboration with the Municipality, will promote close communication bridges between institutions and citi

Why is this idea important to you?

We were born in this territory and we have chosen to stay here despite the difficulties and the few opportunities that a small country like ours offers. We are sure that with the right stimuli things can change. These stimuli can be found in the creation of an area of aggregation. Our team is multidisciplinary: acting, music and dance teachers with important career experiences; talented street artists; the support of the institutions, which share our project and have already granted us the authorizations to proceed with the requalification, whose feasibility study has been developed by an architect expert in urban requalification. Our fellow citizens will be the protagonists: with the workshops of self-construction led by an expert, they will build themselves the spaces to live and animate

€ 25200,-

Total budget

€ 25200,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Administrative expenses 3000€
Set up/production/workshops 16500€
Working hours professionals 5200€
Communication costs 500€

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would love to receive feedback on the feasibility of our idea and how relevant it is to the goals of the Idea Challenge. We are available for any clarification or curiosity.



Idea created on April 25, 2021

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