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Law, advocacy and policy, Social inclusion


We are launching a series of programmes aimed at: TEACHING, AWARENESS and EDUCATION!!!


Who is behind this?

Klara Vitai Tóthné

VIT-ACTIVE Egyesület


Who is joining forces?

T és V Consulting Kft.



Idea pitch

We are launching a series of programmes aimed at:TEACHING,AWARENESS, EDUCATION!!! In order to educate adults and children how to effectively help the disabled on the one hand,to raise the awareness of our legislators on the other,that they themselves must respect,comply with the regulations designed to help them.The visually impaired should be enabled to go everywhere with their guide dogs,in compliance with the relevant law.Wheelchair users should also be enabled to access wherever they whish t

Where will your project idea take place?

Nyíregyháza, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, Eastern Hungary

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

There are three major problems in our county including the its capital city: poverty (it is one of the poorest counties), the backward and sometimes primitive mindset of local people and that of the pro-government city administration, which does not support grassroots initiatives.
People must be educated and sensitized, their attitudes must be shaped, so that people with disabilities do not suffer from insult and hostility. We need to negotiate with the local policy makers and get them on our side!

Who are you doing it for?

Our project is run mainly by disabled and able-bodied members of our association called Vit-Active. It consists of twenty members, one president and two vice-presidents. The vice-presidents are a wheelchair user and a blind person. The members are visually impaired senior citizens with some other health issues.
We have partner NGOs (of visually impaired people) involved in joint sensitization activities.
The adult population of our city is a key target group for our sensitisation activities and we also try to put pressure on local politicians.

How do you plan to get there?

We are planning a series of programmes:
1. "SEE ME!" A 4-hour sensitizing, awareness-raising, attitude-shaping action programme in the main square of Nyíregyháza. Then a sensitizing part: volunteers have to do various simple tasks blindfolded. The public and policy makers will be addressed.
2. "WALK WITH ME!" SENSITIZATION. Sensitization programme for the visually impaired with the help of wheelchair users in the main square.
3. AN EVENING AND EXHIBITION in Nyíregyháza Sóstó Forest, combined with a hike. We are planning to invite the staff of the Department of Social Affairs in the Mayor's Office. Let's not debate at the negotiating table, let's go out into nature! The main issues to discuss: how to make all public buildings and new facilities accessible (and not only on paper!). Don't close the lifts and don't use the toilet for the disabled as a storage room! Allow guide dogs to enter everywhere!
4. EVENING AND EXPERIENCE OF THE GAME at the Forest Gymnastics Track combined with a hike with managers from TESCO and LEGO. Convincing prospective employers, initiating a dialogue.
5. Making educational short films: blind people and guide dogs living together, day-to-day life in a wheelchair
6. Ongoing radio reports and advertising campaigns
7. Production of posters and banners

What are the expected results?

Maintain our presence in the public eye! Learn about the difficulties people with disabilities have to face! Do not stare at them, do not exclude them! Get to know our Association and the city administration will not try to circumvent the law. Let them know that we are vigilant and will not compromise their rights! Let them live a fulfilling life and have a say in their own affairs.
At the same time, we strive for peaceful coexistence! Therefore, we usually organise outdoor activities and meetings, in which disabled and able-bodied people can equally participate!

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Our social engagement is primarily achieved through the development of our activists and our Association. The more and stronger we are, the louder our voice and the more prominent our say in decision-making can be. We are assertive and want our stand point be considered! Although the Government of Hungary has announced the National Disability Programme (2015-2025), most of its objectives will not be implemented! The programme is very nice, well-written, but it is not working properly! Learning and Employment opportunities, Affordable housing, Access to basic social services, Rehabilitation, Financial benefits and support, Full and effective participation in public affairs, Nothing about us without us, Non-discrimination, Reasoned preferential treatment, Subsidiarity, Reasonable adaptation.

Why is this idea important to you?

The people behind the idea: president Klára Vitai,vice-president Dr. Petrus Anna,a blind lawyer,Jr. Miklós Varga,a wheelchair user,association member with muscular dystrophy. All of our members are personally involved being either visually impaired,disabled or suffering from other health problems,or being caretakers of disabled people. We have been very active for the last three years. We have had some activity every week even during the period of Covid. We held sensitization sessions first for our members,and then for students and adults. We organised gymnastic sessions,excursions and hikes for the disabled,and therapeutic walks for shelter dogs. Our mission statement is:this is our life,lives,this is the city we share and where we live together. We want to live a HUMAN life TOGETHER!

€ 25830,-

Total budget

€ 25830,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Educational films about people with disabilities (10 piaces - 2800 EUR
Personnel costs (costs of speakers,trainers - 2800 EUR
Campaign office rent +overheads- 5600 EUR
Travel and accommodation costs- 2800 EUR
Radi, tv reports- 4300 EUR
Sound and lighting engineering- 850 EUR
Making a banner, making a poster- 850 EUR
Making cape T-shirts- 550 EUR
Meals, subsistence coat - 2800 EUR
Rent of stage, tent, benches- 1100 EUR
Costs office equipment - 280 EUR
Tools for sensitisation - 1100 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

How do you like the idea? What tools could we use to be more effective? What can we do to avoid unproductive conflicts with the officials of the local government?


Vit-Active Egyesület


Idea created on April 25, 2021

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