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Activating communities | Civic Europe
Community development, Social inclusion

Activating communities

Provoke change by moderating community process of detecting the problem, finding common solution and its implementation in cooperation with community members.


Who is behind this?

Who is joining forces?

The Municipality of Kočevje


Municipality of Kočevje


Others who will also be involved are Umanotera (bringing sustanability dimentions to the activites), Tranformator (methods of theater of the oppresed) and Biotehniški center (contact with youth).


Idea pitch

Rudnik, an almost rural sparse settlement with a multinational population of all social backgrounds at the border of Ljubljana with lack of infrastructure for young people (target group). As stakeholders we detect conflicts between different groups (lack of dialog) and so are starting the process of resolving the problems together with local youth, residents, representatives of municipality, and other stakeholders of this area and to transfer this process to Kočevje, facing the same challenges.

Where will your project idea take place?

Ljubljana and Kočevje, Slovenia

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Both of the regions have this specific that there live people from different cultural background. Rudnik area of Ljubljana is dislocated from the city center so rents are cheaper, this is why a lot of workers who migrated to Slovenia live in this area. In close proximity is also Rakova Jelša which is known as a geto neighborhood of Ljubljana. This area lacks public infrastructure, this is also why we think conflicts arise as there is little suitable places for young people to hang out and socialize. We also think there is a lack of positive interaction and dialog between people from different cultures. The situation in Kočevje is somehow very similar but also different. There is also a conflict between young Roma people and other residents. In both areas we can observe racial graffiti.

Who are you doing it for?

1. Youth of Rudnik (75 prs) and Rakova Jelša (30 prs) - lack of infrastructure and the feeling of not belonging these young people are facing various obstacles in finding their own leisure time space. They also lack support in finding approaches and setting strategies to resolve most painful issues (such as hatred on the basis of nationality and/or social statuses).
2. Youth of Kočevje (100 prs) - facing similar problems youth of this small town can benefit from adopting the good practice of this project. Zavod Bob has experiences with approaches and enough staff so developing this approach is the task of Bob.
3. Community of Rudnik and Rakova Jelša (200 prs) - giving people (residents other stakeholders ...) opportunity to list problems and know how to s and resolve them.

How do you plan to get there?

The first step is getting to know more needs, conflicts and resources in the local community. For this we will use outreach street work. We will talk to local residents and get their contact. We will do this in a very non formal way as we see this as the most appropriate way to facilitate the bottom up process. We will also attend local events and non formal gatherings to talk to people and inform them about our aim. In this step we will also meet on several meetings with organizations and our partners from this area. As we see them as a relevant source of information and as potential mediators of needs of local residents to the municipality.
Next step is organizing the series of events. Where we will collect suggestions for change in the local environment. In local schools we will implement workshops to also get more information from young members of the local community. After gathering the suggestions we will organize an event where we will sort the suggestions together with local residents and choose projects to implement together with local residents.
Next step is the implementation of the suggestions. We will do this by project work and learning.
Then we will have a big community celebration of the results of the project and evaluation of the things that we have done together. And we will transfer and do the same process in Kočevje.

What are the expected results?

300 people are involved in local events.
Getting 300 suggestions for change in the local environment.
Five suggestions for change are implemented.
Publication of a manual on how to facilitate community problem solving.
One new green public space is established and street work is implemented in Kočevje.
Higher quality of life for residents of Livada, Rakova Jelša and Kočevje.
Residents of these communities care more for their environment (neighbourhood, people, nature, ...).
Young people are more connected to the environment (neighbourhood, people, nature, ...).
Members of the communities are heard.
Resolution of conflicts in the communities.
People from different nationalities are more connected.
Young and older people live more harmoniously.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

By asking people what they would like to change they start to think more about the environment in which they are living. In everyday life we take some things as they are and don't perceive them as changeable, but when someone asks you about something like that you start to think about it and what would be better. We will do this in our project and then realise suggestions, so people will have this positive feedback if you care about something you can be the protagonist of change. During the process we will also involve our local representatives of municipality, so they will know who to turn to with wishes on a local level. During the project work when bringing suggestions into reality we will also present the people who will be involved with local opportunities for projects.

Why is this idea important to you?

At this moment the team behind the idea is:
- Manneira Aja Solei (youth worker of Zavod Bob, experienced in implementing detached street work and project work)
- Tina Spruk (volunteer in public green space LivadaLAB, experienced in implementing detached street work and project work)
- Barbara Babič (youth worker in training at Zavod Bob, experienced in social media and organization of events)
- Metka Bahlen (youth worker of Zavod Bob, experienced in implementing detached street work and project work, licenced mentor in project learning for young adults)
- Neja Šmid (youth worker of Zavod Bob, experienced in implementing detached street work and project work, experienced in working with migrants)
Some more community members may join in the implementation of the project.

€ 35000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Labor (outreach filed work, meeting more local residents, meetings with organizations and partners, attending events in local community and presentations of the project, spending free time with local residents, organizing events and workshops, supporting participants in project learning, evaluation, recording of the process): 22000 EUR
Organizational costs (administration, accounting, supervision) : 5250 EUR
Material cost (material for events, material for community projects) : 7750 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would love to get feedback on our approach - if you have experience in community building, please, let us know your experiences. Also we would love comments on involving multinational target groups and what to watch out for.



Idea created on April 19, 2021
Last edit on April 26, 2021

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