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Accelerator of civic engagement of young people | Civic Europe

Accelerator of civic engagement of young people

Young people work for engagement of young people supporting the next generation of transformational public leaders


Who is behind this?

Marius Daea

Asociatia Eurolife


Who is joining forces?

Asociatia Tine de Noi- Bucuresti


The “Tine de Noi” Association is an organization that aims to create active communities in the field of public economic, educational and energy policies and to establish a space for debate in society


Idea pitch

- The main activity to engage young is a 6 months mobil tour ( live podcast) in Gorj County.(debate organised in schools, sports clubs and public space)
The meetings debates will be transmitted live (video and audio) in podcast form, transcribed in newsletters and published on a web platform specially created for this project, with correspondence in social media.
30 young volunteers will be equipped with knowledge and skills in the field of: leadership, fluent speech, media literacy.

Where will your project idea take place?

It will be implemented in 6 cities with a population of less than 30,000 inhabitants in Gorj County

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The small towns of Gorj, traditional monoindustrial (mining and energy), where the young people face the resistance of the communities to civic involvement, debate and democratization of the society.
The Accelerator of civic engagement of young people project aims to (re) connect the young people of the Millennial generation (1980-2000) with politics, to increase the degree of their civic involvement using 21st century technologies, creating a critical mass capable of change in society.

Who are you doing it for?

The beneficiaries of the project are young people aged between 14 and 35 from small towns and rural areas in Gorj County.
Direct beneficiaries 175 young care volunteers will benefit from courses / trainings, 30 young care volunteers will be directly involved in project activities
over 2500 young people who will benefit from the information campaign organized by the 30 TurS21 volunteers for the youth community from all over Gorj County.

How do you plan to get there?

We will equip young people with skills and knowledge in the field of involvement, civics, debate, leadership, media literacy.
We will organize a caravan tour in the localities of Gorj where the young people trained in the project will involve and debate with other young people the problems they face with the help of podcasts and 21st century technologies.

What are the expected results?

The degree of civic involvement of young people will increase and the respective communities will benefit from public debates in decision making at local level. Given that young people accumulate and retain information very quickly and have a greater spirit of involvement. In the long run, the project contributes to the democratization of isolated communities.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The main mission of the project will be the elaboration of a video manifesto, with the most important problems of the communities in which these young people live: health, education, civic involvement, gender equality, etc.

Why is this idea important to you?

The existence of opportunities to get involved. moreover, our skills, knowledge and mission match this idea.
The real need to change something for the better in communities. Young people need support and are receptive when someone trusts them. We believe that young people are the future and only they can change things for the better, but we must help them to be able to help.

€ 40,-

Total budget

€ 40,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

10.000 personal cost
5000 experts
10.000 training costs
5000 travel and accomodations ( personal and volunteers)
10.000 acquisitions of goods necessary fot the project

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Any kind of advice


Marius Daea

Idea created on May 2, 2020
Last edit on May 3, 2020

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