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ABC- Act Better Consciously | Civic Europe
Community development

ABC- Act Better Consciously


Who is behind this?

Francesca Patruno

Saronno Red Cross



Idea pitch

How often do you realize in difficult situations only you don't have the right tools to deal with them? When speaking about health, a small input could be game-changing. Therefore, thanks to our Red Cross experience, the ABC project: it is essential to find new ways to convey notions that could reach as many people as possible. If first aid notions became similar to advertisements and these were re-proposed countless times, people will be unintentionally led to reproduce the lessons learned.

Where will your project idea take place?

The ABC project is initially designed for Saronno, a small town located in northern Italy.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The real challenge is to influence health care starting from citizens who can improve the health care path, becoming aware of the actions that they can carry out in an emergency. Thanks to that, it would be possible for the population to feel even more an integral part of the rescue system from which could start a bilateral cooperation.In fact the WHO has declared that involving patients in health care may reduce errors within the health care pathway up to 15%.This is even more crucial when changes are made inside small communities, where any action could bring tangible result.One of the main problems in our territory is the lack of emergency vehicles to cover the surrounding area, this implies a longer time before the rescue which determines a greater need for right action by the citizen.

Who are you doing it for?

TThanks to the rescuers experience, we realized how often help attempts are tried through improvised manoeuvres even harmful to the patient and, once the error are explained, also a sense of guilt are present. We therefore want to help the population to be aware and competent in acting, but also get closer to the community in order to create a mutual relationship of trust and help. To do that, we will consider different ages and cultures within the community using absolutely understandable images and videos. We are aware that only few more educated or younger are inclined to spent time looking at first aid technique. Making some basic first aid rules simple and intuitive could touch even those who think they don't have the tools or possibilities closer to this world.

How do you plan to get there?

1.Identify which are the most common cases of population unpreparedness, also combined with an analysis of those who, for ambulance rescuers, represent the most common cases of errors
2.Pictures and simple, short and immediate videos will be created through which the emergency conditions will be represented and practical solutions will be given.
3.Make information as accessible as possible to citizens. From the most modern ones social networks to local newspapers or through the collaboration of shops, bars and restaurants
4.We will create a phone number or email address available to ask for information, doubts or curiosities about the first aid actions
5.Population’s feedback will be taken into consideration to update the material and the initiative on the basis of need encountered

What are the expected results?

The ideal result would be making the population personally involved in emergency situations by giving minimal, but effective practical skills before the arrival of the ambulance. Through this awareness, the damage will certainly be reduced and the chain of help can actually start from the key moment where it is necessary to intervene as fast as possible. If this would not completely achievable, an excellent result would already be simply that the population feels more involved and supported by local associations, even just to have the opportunity to ask a support from someone who is willing to listen to them.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

One of the problems that affects Italian citizens is the lack of trust in local institutions and organizations. Being personally involved in helping others could therefore become an act of humanity within the community, which gives the awareness of acting for the benefit not only of the individual, but also of the community itself. Solidarity and mutual action in times of difficulties are a responsibility of global citizenship and only through acting simultaneously from many sides is it possible to live in a strong and resilient community.

Why is this idea important to you?

This project is important for us because it represents the attempt to help others using our simply knowledge. As young as we are, we have frequently had many ideas to improve the reality in which we live without never had the opportunity to implement them often due to lack of funds or credibility. Thanks to the support of the Red Cross committee, this initiative appeared us as a chanche to act firsthand and actually change the aid mechanism.

€ 41500,-

Total budget

€ 41500,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Video editing 15,000 €
Realization of pictures / cartoons 1000 €
Campaign to raise awareness and publicize the initiative 500 €
Material distribution to communication routes 15.000€
Staff available for information 5000 €
Site design 2,000 €
Medical advice for certified content 2000 €
Video simulators and make-up artists 1000€



Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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