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All ideas | Civic Europe

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These are the winning ideas of 2021.

community award
Human rights

Good winds from land

We are people just like you, tired of standing by and watching. We want to set sail a ship in the Central Mediterranean in order to aid the shipwrecked people fleeing from disasters and extreme pover…
Environment and sustainability | Youth participation and empowerment

Trails of Participation-Sentieri di Partecipazione

Depopulation, lack of opportunities for youth, isolation and neglected commons are all challenges faced by the 7 villages involved in our project. We want to revive our communities, reconnect them an…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

EVERYONE’S OASIS. From being apart to being a part

Desert oases are a peaceful meeting place and a crossroads of cultures. The project aims to promote inclusiveness by fostering mutual exchange between different ethnic groups, with culture as a main …
Community development

RE.CO.VER:REbuilding by a COmmunity basEd appRoach

Can you imagine rebuilding a place heavily damaged by an earthquake without the involvement of its inhabitants? Certainly not! The project aims to bring citizens point of view into the rebuilding …
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment


YOUNG diverCITY is a structured dialogue experience: an horizontal and inclusive space within which 300 young people, aged between 12 and 29,coming from diverse backgrounds, are able to engage with p…

5 ideas found