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These are the winning ideas of 2021.

Community development | Environment and sustainability

Wake up and compost!

Bio-waste from Rijeka's neighbourhoods ends up in regional waste management centre infamous as ecological threat to the local ecosystem and hazardous to surrounding population. Citizens from the Rije…
Environment and sustainability | Youth participation and empowerment

Exploring Pathways to an Ecological Renaissance

Vukovar in Croatian means sacrifice, war memories, divided community tied up to the past. Past engulfs the present tightly as 2021 marks 30 years since the city fell. Mindful of unhealed wounds our…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Klajn Park

Klajn Park is a design-and-build community project using public participation in the decision-making, planning, design, and building of a pocket park aiming at social cohesion in a rural and deprived…

3 ideas found