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50 Shades of Waste | Civic Europe
Community development, Environment and sustainability

50 Shades of Waste

Fostering a culture of sustainability, promoting best practices and co-design with the local community a vision for making Napoli greener


Who is behind this?

Emiliana Mellone



Who is joining forces?

Let's Do it! Italy


INN - International Napoli Network


I. C. Pertini - 87° D. Guanella - Napoli



Idea pitch

“50 Shades of Waste” wants to investigate different shades of the waste topic, month by month taking into account The UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. The topic is strategical for the future of our planet and we want to address it locally, creating a network, motivating the local community to take action and change their behaviors day by day, influencing policy makers to deal with the issue in a more enduring way, making Naples a more livable and sustainable city.

Where will your project idea take place?

Naples metropolitan area, South of Italy

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Naples is a city with a low civic involvement in public matters with a high rate of unemployment and school drop out (approx. 18%). Issues like sustainability, political involvement and social welfare are considered far from the citizens and their comprehension. Citizens should remember their power to influence political behavior.
"50shadesofwaste" wants to work on:
1. Education. Create the culture of sustainability in every declination (shade), from food waste to mobility, from solid waste to air pollution.
2. Citizen Engagement. Engage citizens and create solid communities: make people be aware of the sustainability issue, make them feel empowered to take action, facilitate dialogue and bottom up proposals;
3. Engage policy makers to get their commitment to create a greener city.

Who are you doing it for?

Our key target are neapolitans citizens and people in the metropolitan area. We want to involve 5 local associations to actively participate in the project: they will co-design with us the meetings and the educational tools. The target audience that we want to reach are 500 citizens to be involved in the project; they will be the beneficiaries of the educational, social, and engagement activities. In addition, the project involves 3 classes (60 students) to help new generations to grow with a proper green consciousness even though Environment and sustainability are not considered a School topics as well as civic education and public engagement. At the end of the educational journey, people involved in the project will co-create with us a manifesto to share with policy makers.

How do you plan to get there?

Our goal is to build a greener community for a greener city.
In order to achieve this, our project will count different steps.
1. Validation: it will lay the basis of the success of the project. A survey will be shared in order to get people feedback on the topic and set up the best methodology with a bottom up approach;
2. Education: together with partners we will create a calendar of events to educate neapolitan citizens to address waste issues and learn more about all the different shapes. Those events will be online and will be open to people. At the end of the cycle, we will produce ebooks to sum up all the contributions we get and disseminate the materials. Plus, we will dedicate schools special attention and valorize their contribution with special projects (eco DIY labs, green campus, etc).
3. Engagement: we will create an offline moment (World Cafe Method) where all the citizens involved could attend. It will be structured with small round tables to facilitate the brainstorming (each for every shape), and finally a live voting session where each participant had the chance to express his view on the proposals. the output of this phase will be a Manifesto.
4. Public Commitment: We will leverage the Manifesto to positively influence public stakeholders and get their commitment to address the real green transition in town.

What are the expected results?

1. Survey: to validate the project it will be spread on social media to get feedback and evaluate the favorability.
2. Webinar: 6 monthly web meetings related to waste topics where partners will share best practices. An ebook (output) will collect the contributions.
3. World Café: set up an event using this methodology for hosting large group dialogue. Small-Group rounds of conversation brainstorm and analyze the topics and then share results with the Large-Group; the final results will be reflected in the Manifesto. We aim to involve 80 people.
4. Promotion: We’ll use a mix of tools to amplify our messages and reach out to people, public and private stakeholders.
5. Manifesto: Present the Manifesto to policy makers to get their commitment in green transition policies.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Our idea strengthens active citizenship from the bottom, touching all the steps of a participation process (validation, education, engagement, organisation). With this approach we believe our local community would become more used to dialogue and available for co-decision making processes. In addition to this, the setting up of a big offline event (if possible, according to Covid scenarios) will inspire other citizens to look for opportunities to be involved in such an important topic as the sustainability. The idea to produce as output a Manifesto, will empower citizens to feel the owners of the process and the ones that made the proposals to have their voice heard.

Why is this idea important to you?

Cleanap is a non profit organisation based in Napoli since 2011, we deal with sustainability and social innovation: mobilisation and community empowerment are at the core of all our programs and actions. We are part of the local network (in the Naples and Campania region) of associations and national networks as well, all those alliances are related to sustainability topics.
The project team is formed by a team of 8 people, we will have:
a Project POC that will coordinate the functions involved and small teams for every step of the project (Validation, Education, Engagement, Organization). We have internally people expert in different disciplines such as Community Organising, Advocacy and Communication, Co-participation processes and design, Project Management and Strategic Partnerships.

€ 35000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Coordination and project management: 10000 EUR
Infrastructure and survey: 1000
Education tools and production costs (ebook, video, brand identity): 7000 EUR
Activities for special projects in the school(s): 5000 EUR
World Cafè: 6000 EUR
Dissemination (social Ads, press offices): 6000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We’d love to get in touch with you all, knowing each other's NGOs and project. We suggest to create a proper space in the website where project owners could connect to each others easily.



Laura Calandriello


Idea created on April 25, 2021
Last edit on April 26, 2021

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