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Profile udrugavida.rijeka | Civic Europe


Social inclusion | Community development

Bring us things you no longer need, take ones you

Can beautiful items only be purchased in fancy shops? Is there a better destiny for the appliances we no longer need or find worth keeping than a landfill? What if things you don’t need could be way …

Women's Activism Year

No healthy and truly democratic society can grow and progress without ensuring gender equality by supporting women to actively and equally participate on all levels. From battling gender-based violen…
Environment and sustainability | Social inclusion

Realising one's identity naturally

Improving individual’s life can be of real help to the individual and the society as a whole only after a person realises one’s true self. Only realised individuals can play a vital role in a modern …
Social inclusion

Break the silence, stop the violence!

Meraki will provide workshops for children and education for parents, decision maker people and other residents, providing insufficient content on violence prevention to encourage active, full and re…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Dream a Future

Bringing together in conversation and networking citizens of all 3 regions of our county in innovative and inclusive way to discuss common problems and find solutions for balanced development of all …
Environment and sustainability

Environmental calendar and application

The goal is to help develop an environmentally conscious lifestyle. More and more people are asking what I can do to tackle the climate crisis. We present simplest everyday solutions with the help of…
Social inclusion

Bridging the Gap!

To counter the populist nationalist rise in Croatian politics, this project reaches out across the racist fueled divide between women of Croat and Roma ethnic groups in peripheral parts of Croatia. E…
Community development

E.C.O. Barrio [E.C.O. neighbourhood]

The acronym E.C.O. adds cultural and operational dimensions to the idea of ecologically sustainable co-created neighborhoods. In line with Culture2030Indicators, the project focuses on the role of co…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development


A plan to build a toxic and dangerous waste dump was make the people react against the big corporations and politicians from the capital . Once we won in our fight our goal was return the social p…
udrugavida.rijeka commented: Sretno s projektom! :)
on Dream a Future
udrugavida.rijeka commented: Hvala :D
on Sretno!
udrugavida.rijeka commented: Great idea, you have our support :) Hope you will…
on Go más allá! : you can do whatever you wish!
udrugavida.rijeka commented: Woman immigrants are especially vulnerable group.…
on Intercultural pot
udrugavida.rijeka commented: Very good project! It is important to make sure t…
on NewsKidsTrust
udrugavida.rijeka commented: What a great way to use theatre in a activist way…
on Through the Refugee’s Eyes
udrugavida.rijeka commented: We think yours project is great :) Vulnerable soc…
on Project MAR–active, social and inclusive society