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Profile udrugavida.rijeka | Civic Europe


Environment and sustainability | Community development

Clean is the new green

We live in a magical land of green hills, enchanting forests and lush meadows. Almost. Although green heritage is the backbone of our community, it is filled with illegal dump sites. So, it’s time to…
Community development

(In)visible women

The priority challange is raising awareness of woman position and women's rights in the rural area. Advocating woman's position in family and society so they become active actors in the life of the l…
Social inclusion

Citizens of Europe

In a period of strong divisions and mistrust towards the European institutions, the project 'Citizens of Europe' pursues the objective of developing relations between the European Union system and di…
Social inclusion | Community development

Proud in the Village

LGBT+ life in Slovenia is completely concentrated in the capital while rural areas are conservative and skeptic of anything "different". Our solution: we bring the LGBT+ in those areas! We will rent …
Environment and sustainability

The Water agent – responsible consumer

We want to create an online platform- community to monitor water footprint, directly from the tap and through all the consumption we have every day. We would include school-age children and groups of…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Smart bed

The project aims to introduce organic farming in the daily lives of families in disadvantaged, thus affecting their eating habits and culture. The project directly affects the nutrition of this fami…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Food and Art Forest in Vojnić

By following one of the main permaculture principles of integrating rather than segregating, the project of developing a food forest in Vojnić aims to bring together a group of women of diverse ethni…
Arts and cultural activities | Environment and sustainability

The Mountain of Suspended Time

Time feels like an inescapable measure for those whose lives are ruled by the rat race, caught up in the relentless pace of the modern city. But in the mountains, time is suspended, almost impercepti…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Re imagine

Re imagine is a creative concept space,connecting cultural heritage in a way of visual art.And built to work with young people get acquainted with the traditions and culture of Croatia. Focus on crea…
udrugavida.rijeka commented: Sretno s projektom! :)
on Dream a Future
udrugavida.rijeka commented: Hvala :D
on Sretno!
udrugavida.rijeka commented: Great idea, you have our support :) Hope you will…
on Go más allá! : you can do whatever you wish!
udrugavida.rijeka commented: Woman immigrants are especially vulnerable group.…
on Intercultural pot
udrugavida.rijeka commented: Very good project! It is important to make sure t…
on NewsKidsTrust
udrugavida.rijeka commented: What a great way to use theatre in a activist way…
on Through the Refugee’s Eyes
udrugavida.rijeka commented: We think yours project is great :) Vulnerable soc…
on Project MAR–active, social and inclusive society