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Profile udrugavida.rijeka | Civic Europe


Community development

No Pain No Gain

With the help os the sport, like a „gate activity”, we will involve and motivate the young persons and their family of the surrounding small settlements, that let a part be taken in the community lif…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

#oikeiôlogy. Practices on Natural Mythologies

Oikeiôlogy takes place in Thesprotia, Greece, an area of dispersed pastoral communities, mythical topologies and rough topography, that is now jeopardised due to the new environmental bill that puts …
Environment and sustainability | Social inclusion

Small actions, big change

Every society encounters problems with poverty. The problem in itself is not poverty’s existence but the community's willingness and efforts aimed towards helping those who need it the most. We offer…
Social inclusion | Community development

Svilengrad Community

One spontaneous born and still non registered organization brought together a group of people who, ignoring prejudice and their own fears were ready to help. Inspired how people from different socia…
Environment and sustainability

Pazin River of Cooperation - Pazin ROCks

PAZIN ROCks is an innovative model of participatory approach that offers a recognition of common values among those with conflicting interests around a local problem, so future cooperation can be bui…
Environment and sustainability | Social inclusion

Better Together- growing a sustainable community

The project will be developed in a postwar rural community inhabited by socially excluded persons from different ethnic groups. The municipality is located in one of the poorest Municipalities in Cro…
Environment and sustainability | Community development


Exploratorium is focused on empowering and skill raising for school-children in terms of nature and environmental protection. The children due to the COVID crisis are home learning via online tools a…

Growing 2gether

The joys and responsibilities of parenthood are not shared equally in our society. Within this project we aim to target and put in focus need of shared parenting and caregiving among millenials and b…
Environment and sustainability

ACT NOW-Active citizens for sustainable community

Climate crisis is affecting many Europeans. Although the Europe's energy market is undergoing a transition towards a decentralized model based on renewable energy, such process is not present in Croa…
udrugavida.rijeka commented: Sretno s projektom! :)
on Dream a Future
udrugavida.rijeka commented: Hvala :D
on Sretno!
udrugavida.rijeka commented: Great idea, you have our support :) Hope you will…
on Go más allá! : you can do whatever you wish!
udrugavida.rijeka commented: Woman immigrants are especially vulnerable group.…
on Intercultural pot
udrugavida.rijeka commented: Very good project! It is important to make sure t…
on NewsKidsTrust
udrugavida.rijeka commented: What a great way to use theatre in a activist way…
on Through the Refugee’s Eyes
udrugavida.rijeka commented: We think yours project is great :) Vulnerable soc…
on Project MAR–active, social and inclusive society