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Profile tommasofranchin | Civic Europe



Arts and cultural activities | Community development

CONCRETE Generative Tactical Urban Transformation

CONCRETE brings tactical urban planning into the disadvantaged areas of the province of Bari. Citizens, designers, artists, architects will co-design and implement the project, which aims to expand t…
Arts and cultural activities | Environment and sustainability

Folklore’s not dead: Inspiring heritage caretakers

South Moravia is the last resort of traditional dress, customs and folk art practices within the Czech Republic giving it a strong sense of local distinctiveness. Exploring this unique opportunity, “…
Environment and sustainability | Social inclusion

Realising one's identity naturally

Improving individual’s life can be of real help to the individual and the society as a whole only after a person realises one’s true self. Only realised individuals can play a vital role in a modern …
tommasofranchin commented: We need to involve NEET in our communities, good …
on CONCRETE Generative Tactical Urban Transformation
tommasofranchin commented: Elder people are often outside of cultural projec…
on Folklore’s not dead: Inspiring heritage caretakers
tommasofranchin commented: "But the process of realising yourself is too oft…
on Realising one's identity naturally
tommasofranchin now watches idea "Walk with Me"