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Profile rostasm | Civic Europe



Arts and cultural activities | Youth participation and empowerment

Print together, think together

Draw the attention of high school students, by giving them a chance to formulate their own interpretations and perspectives about societal issues through art. Generate a dialogue between local NGOs a…
Arts and cultural activities | Youth participation and empowerment


Open Doors Van is a refurbished and functionally redesigned minibus that gives us the opportunity to take our intercultural programs to many parts of the country. Our goal is to enable disadvantaged,…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

STREET “MUSIC” - "Yellow Roze ZONE”

The activities of the project will be coordinated by Zonta Club Sofia and will involve participants who have chosen their stage in various lively places, fitting their art in an unusual and colorful…
Community development | Social inclusion


The practice of institutions has become a self-explanatory solution, to the extent of the decision makers not seeing beyond the institutions.Dogs can be trained to perform many important tasks to ass…
rostasm commented: I love the project. much music and much love, as …
on STREET “MUSIC” - "Yellow Roze ZONE”
rostasm commented: Our information process might massively affected …
on CultiRider
rostasm now watches idea "Where Tomato means Paradise"