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Profile monica.belitoiu | Civic Europe



Community development | Social inclusion

Diverse Tech Kids - Thriving Communities

The project helps rebuild the community relations and make up for the social incoherence of the multiethnic community in Alfatar Municipality, caused by the COVID lockdown. We, the project partners, …
Social inclusion | Youth participation and empowerment

Empowering Youth for Adulthood

To provide a non-profit accommodation in a healthy and structured environment for young people who are moving to independence. They receive assistance in finishing their studies and gain life skills…
Education and research

I Care about my City

The project "I Care about my City" fills the missing school curriculum of civic education for preschoolers and primary school children. It comes to the aid of parents and educators in starting conver…
Education and research | Youth participation and empowerment

School of Empathy

Schools in the Plovdiv countryside and in rural areas are characterized by low participation in social, civic, and political life; in this way, children lose their interest in education, lack trust i…
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

Sexuality and Consent in Disability

Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects our communication, and sensory perception. Our research showed that 81% of autistic women were or are in abusive relationships and that 72% suffe…
Education and research

Teaching Teachers to Teach Citizens

Tolerance, respect for others, defence of democratic values are notions that we gain at home. If we don´t, we can still learn them at school. But it´s much more difficult. It´s why we need the best t…
monica.belitoiu commented: Great proposal, hope you'll succeed in implementi…
on Diverse Tech Kids - Thriving Communities
monica.belitoiu commented: Great proposal, hope you'll succeed in implementi…
on Empowering Youth for Adulthood
monica.belitoiu commented: Really interesting idea! I hope you'll succeed in…
on Teaching Teachers to Teach Citizens
monica.belitoiu commented: Great proposal, hope you'll succeed in implementi…
on Sexuality and Consent in Disability
monica.belitoiu commented: This will be a really useful project. Congrats an…
on I Care about my City
monica.belitoiu now watches idea "ScienceCivicus"