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Profile maria octavia | Civic Europe

maria octavia

maria octavia

Let's talk about YOU(th)!

A public speaking competition for youth voice in 7 small cities. In a 3 minute speech, teenagers will talk about an important issue in their community, including a possible solution and a call for ac…

Local partnerships for civic action

In a small town in Romania, in three years of grass-root organizing, Civic Radauti has inspired civic engagement in the surrounding small communities, even in the rural area, winning in just 2 years …
Community development


“If current trends continue for another 20 or 30 years the democracy will be toast” said Yascha Mounk. In order to improve our democracy, we need to repair its’ foundation through civic participation…
Arts and cultural activities


Developing a civil, open and democratic society is achieved through the production of new artistic practices and youth subculture, with active participation of citizens as co-creators of art works an…

Youth Empowerment in Rural Area

Youth Empowerment in Rural Area is a project that brings to the public agenda of Romanian entities (the vision of young people on areas that have a direct impact on them, especially the diversificati…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Journey between faith, history and beauty

Italy is the custodian of the world's treasures. Treasures preserved in small unknown places. We intend to discover the tourist appeal of an area of southern Italy to stimulate the spirit of belongin…
Social inclusion

Coloured Glasses: Breaking the walls of society

Eastern Europe is marked by deep social inequalities. Simultaneously, young people are developing a sense of civic duty and are interested in becoming active citizens, but they are often not aware of…

DARE to engage

Romanian democracy has, over recent years, been marked by anti-corruption protests, low trust in political institutions, and an ever-increasing tension between groups. We aim to bridge social divides…
Social inclusion | Community development

A normal autistic world

The idea is, on one hand, to organize a series of outings in the community for the children and teenagers with autism to better integrate into society and on the other hand meetings and workshops to …
maria octavia commented:
on A normal autistic world
maria octavia commented: Nice project! We wish you a lot of succes.
on Deep in Europe
maria octavia commented: Great idea! Good luck!
on Coloured Glasses: Breaking the walls of society
maria octavia commented: Very good idea! Good luck!
maria octavia commented: Very good idea! Good luck!
on A normal autistic world
maria octavia now watches idea "Youth Empowerement"