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Profile maria octavia | Civic Europe

maria octavia

maria octavia

Environment and sustainability | Community development

Young people fighting for their future

As young people do not have enough opportunities to do practical work and think about future, we decided to connect these factors and include Youth from rural areas of The Valley of Salek and prepare…
Community development

Closing the Gap: Civic Districts

In Alba County people don’t stay. Tourists come and go, children grow up and leave. With dozens of villages depopulated and almost erased from the map, what could be done to convince the people that …

Deep in Europe

Young people represent the future of our European society, they are the leaders of tomorrow. The main aim is to empower and engage disadvanataged youth from rural communities in decision making pro…
Social inclusion

Let’s play TABOO – forbidden words

Homosexuality, racism, sex education, feminism, home violence, the death penalty, are forbidden words but not for us. „Let’s play TABOO” is a project that is not afraid to raise the taboo subject. …
Community development

CDSchool-Community through children’s eyes

The project will involve 8 schools from Clisura Dunării as community development agents. The pecific objectives: to develop competences of 40 teachers to implement educational community based methods…
maria octavia commented:
on A normal autistic world
maria octavia commented: Nice project! We wish you a lot of succes.
on Deep in Europe
maria octavia commented: Great idea! Good luck!
on Coloured Glasses: Breaking the walls of society
maria octavia commented: Very good idea! Good luck!
maria octavia commented: Very good idea! Good luck!
on A normal autistic world
maria octavia now watches idea "Youth Empowerement"