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Profile margitaradman | Civic Europe



Community development

Civic Aid in Knitting Favorable Boundaries

Knitting boundaries is a platform for raising communication between alienated groups as well as ‘bonding ties’ among them. Individuals who want to start with systematical agriculture production encou…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development


People-centered, independent creative space; in constant evolution, facing and embracing the contemporary challenges. Shaped on the basis of the real needs of the city, it is being built after a 3-ye…
Social inclusion | Community development

Eco Loquente

Eco-recovery of community is encouraged through joint venture of two social groups: rural residents and people stationed in assisted living community for addicts in process of social reintegration. T…
Community development

Citizens of Green Intentions

We want to enable citizens of Dubrovnik to participate in creating a more sustainable and inclusive urban food system. For a healthy sustainable future, it is necessary to connect with what we eat …
margitaradman commented: Thank you! Greetings from Spli, Croatia!
on Great idea! Good luck and greetings from Bulgaria.
margitaradman commented: Thank you! Good luck from Split, Croatia!
on We like your idea, the slowering of society is the key. Good luck! We supported you!
margitaradman commented: Pozdrav iz Splita!
on Sunce, cool as always.