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Profile | Civic Europe

Community development

Ama tu Zona (Love your Zone)

Challenge To reactivate the consumption and the commercial network, critically affected because of the COVID-19 crisis, with more than 150 businesses closed or almost nearby closed with a total numb…
Journalism | Youth participation and empowerment


The project will engage citizens in the production of bottom-up bradcasting news on the EU and the Cohesion Policy, to highlight their impact at local level, the opportunities for rural areas and sti…
Community development | Social inclusion


Ageism is a global challenge negatively affecting health, economy and communities. COVID-19 pandemic also increased older adults’ loneliness. Intergenerational interventions bring together old and yo…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Founding a Readery for Women "Dimitrana Ivanova"

The chitalishte is owned by the community and serves cultural, educational, community bonding, and other strictly communal purposes as defined in the legislation. This is the first chitalishte specif…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Roadmap to Common Future

Quiet mountain villages around Jelovica plateau are becoming a tourist hot-spot. In the hands of 9 local communities lies a big responsibility: timely and joint decision for a sustainable future. N…
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

Youth Educational Centre Găujani

In rural areas civil Society is almost non-existent, the voice of young people is not expressed or heard. Our project offers means of empowerment to young people for them to increase the quality of t…
community award
Human rights

Good winds from land

We are people just like you, tired of standing by and watching. We want to set sail a ship in the Central Mediterranean in order to aid the shipwrecked people fleeing from disasters and extreme pover…
Arts and cultural activities | Environment and sustainability

Erratic-a laboratory of art and rural environment

In the ancient village, the town above, it seems that there are only two possible futures: the complete abandonment or the transformation into a tourist attraction; our idea fosters different and div…
Environment and sustainability | (Social) Entrepreneurship

People's Kitchen

A social club located in Sisak that would provide healthy food for everyone, without prices, only for a donation. The club would also host various workshops on everyday useful skills such as cooking,…