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Profile gruppoidee | Civic Europe



YOUth Can Make a Change

Active citizenship has a vital role in building and maintaining a democratic society. Whereas a lack of interest and knowledge are predominant reasons for political apathy, fear and group closure can…
Social inclusion

Course for Neurodiversity sport coaches

The Mondo Disabili Future Association has realized that was necessary to train coaches, health professionals, instructors, and technicians for the management of people with neurodiversity, aiming at …
Social inclusion | Community development

Civic spaces for sport.

CIVIC SPACES FOR SPORT aims at offering to citizens in the city of Latina a vehicle of inclusion through sport as vector for integration and socialization. A web platform (website and application) wi…
gruppoidee commented: thank you!!!! :-)
on We support your project. Good luck from our Slovenia. :)
gruppoidee now watches idea "BLACK on WHITE"
gruppoidee added a new idea BLACK on WHITE
to Idea Challenge 2020