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Profile giostama | Civic Europe



Community development | Social inclusion

Activating communities

Rudnik, an almost rural sparse settlement with a multinational population of all social backgrounds at the border of Ljubljana with lack of infrastructure for young people (target group). As stakehol…
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

Community Power Van @ Philippi Park

Community Power van is travelling around Philippi Park, a cultural landscape of 8.000 years of history, to empower civil society groups so that they obtain the necessary co-creation and collaboration…
Community development | Education and research

Democratic education partnership

Since 2017 our inclusive community garden inspires informal education communities all around Slovakia. We have set up a free democratic, inclusive school. We raise awareness about alternative educati…
Community development | Social inclusion

Rabute of Istria

For centuries the villagers of Istria were helping each other in a tradition of voluntary charity actions called “rabute”. The tradition was lost due to modern individualism and conflicts in the vill…
Community development | Health

Sport to develop skills and promote inclusion

Recently our project expanded to Athens and we are super motivated to grow our community there and take our project to the next phase. Where the project on Lesvos is focused on temporary stress relie…
giostama commented: Great Idea! Hoping to work together in the future…
on Sardinia green route to EU
giostama commented: "cultivating" the critical spirit and awareness i…
on Democratic education partnership
giostama commented: The affinities of your project with ours confirm …
on Community Power Van @ Philippi Park
giostama commented: congratulations! Sport is always an excellent veh…
on Sport to develop skills and promote inclusion
giostama now watches idea "Camper Europe"