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Profile dimitar0811 | Civic Europe



Community development | Education and research

Academy of Civic education

Citizens from small municipalities feel distrust in politics and lose motivation to be active. Politicians at the local level are not professionals, working usually part-time and fearing own mistakes…
Community development | Social inclusion

All we need is…Local Participation!

Do you know how to face the lack of social and cultural participation in smaller towns? We want to propose our method based on building community-based networks of reciprocity in which organizations …
Social inclusion | Youth participation and empowerment

A Part for All

The project will increase civic engagement and participation of young people from vulnerable groups through their involvement in an action group. The project will provide them with tailor-made mentor…
Community development | (Social) Entrepreneurship


Appenninol'Hub is a territorial network that enables communities in the Italian hinterland to thrive, supporting the generation of entrepreneurial ideas with transformative impact on the local econom…
Environment and sustainability | Social inclusion

Burning issues

Energy poverty is a considerable challenge in North-East Hungary. It is a topic at the intersection of various social, housing and climate policies, therefore the process of finding the right tools t…
Community development | Social inclusion

Citizens of the Round Table

Round tables with citizens of neighbourhoods of Lisbon that feel neglected and don’t have access to meaningful public participation to share ideas and make them happen. These round tables will have m…
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

Civic Laboratory Sozopol

How can we build a participatory process for cross-sectoral collaboration and civic engagement and co-create a Vision for Sozopol? We explore this question in practice - a space for dialogue, buildi…
Community development

Community Building(s)

Economic downturn in the city of Vratza has impeded proper care for historic buildings, although cultural heritage is key to economic development. Our one-year program will build a community around t…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Community development with heritage care

Our city is located in the agglomeration of the capital. There are many residents who have moved here in recent years from the large city. Their connection is mainly with people and organizations of …
dimitar0811 commented: Hello Thank you very much for your support ! It …
on Cultural Integration
dimitar0811 commented: Thank you very much ! Very nice idea . Good luck.…
dimitar0811 commented: Thank you
on Healing dialogue - Mediation for families
dimitar0811 commented: Hello We just supported your idea. Good luck f…
on Healing dialogue - Mediation for families
dimitar0811 commented: Hello Very important project idea , that's way w…
on Appenninol’Hub
dimitar0811 commented: Hello Our idea have got a lot of similarity , th…
dimitar0811 commented: Hello We find your idea interesting , that's way…
on Re.Works: upcycling plastic, building bridges
dimitar0811 commented: Hello We find your idea very important, that's w…
on Make It Green Lesvos
dimitar0811 commented: Hello We find your idea very important, that's w…
on Cultural Integration