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Profile | Civic Europe

Environment and sustainability

City Air

The initiator and coordinator of the City Air program is The Romanian Smart City Association, along with its partners. City Air is an air quality monitoring program in schools on a national scale, ai…
Environment and sustainability | Youth participation and empowerment

Open minds in action for Teenagers’ Town Council

Starting from a Community Based Participatory Research, we are going to engage multicultural teenagers at different levels: proposing easy games activities to attract them, workshops on public issues…
Environment and sustainability | Youth participation and empowerment

Something about YOU-TH

Co-projecting a space, the ground floor of the former furnaces and other 4 public places (to be located through the project steps), offering young people (age 15 to19 years) the opportunity to shape …
25.05.2021 commented: Oh, sorry you are right. this comment is not abou…
on Something about YOU-TH
24.05.2021 commented: Ciao, anche noi siamo bresciani e ci piacerebbe c…
on Something about YOU-TH
24.05.2021 now watches idea "City Air"
15.04.2021 commented: Thank you for your kindly report! We are happy t…
on Open minds in action for Teenagers’ Town Council