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Profile calitateavietii | Civic Europe



Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

Community Matters

Build bridges and partnerships between women's associations in refugee camps and those in local Greek host communities by engaging both in dialogue and supporting activities to address key common con…
Community development | Social inclusion

Open Minds, Open Hearts

Refugees are an important part of our community, future European citizens. What is it like, the home they have come from? What is our home here? What are our histories, our myths, our values as a so…
Education and research | Human rights

PACIFY: ambassadors for non-violence online

The role of influencers and other digital content producers in online violence dynamics and as agents for transformation is sparsely considered. An action-research method is proposed to: (i) track is…
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

Youth for Economic Justice

Transformative change must begin with young people, organizing and advocating for solutions themselves. Our project is aimed at increasing awareness and dialogue among young people to mobilize suppor…