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Profile alexandratiligadi | Civic Europe



Environment and sustainability | Community development

Dialogue Community

New social contexts require a new dialogue based on new tools. Staying with old methods (habits, procedures) we are doomed to failure. Practicing social dialogue in finding solutions to community pro…
Arts and cultural activities

Shaping AfroGreekness

Shaping AfroGreekness is about racial equality in yet another European country. AfroGreeks are not accepted as citizens of the country and are in a liminal sense of belonging. This rooted issue beco…
Social inclusion


Small villages in Crete are often characterized by strong community cohesion but limited openness to otherness in terms of disability, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. The project is based on the im…
Environment and sustainability

Kosmos of Sustainability Ambassadors

We are downscaling UN and EU sustainability policies through a network of grassroots ambassadors in peripheral regions of Greece. Together with CSOs, we will practice participatory decision-making fo…