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Profile Tiberius Coman | Civic Europe

Tiberius Coman

Tiberius Coman

Social inclusion | Community development

A normal autistic world

The idea is, on one hand, to organize a series of outings in the community for the children and teenagers with autism to better integrate into society and on the other hand meetings and workshops to …
Community development

Empowering the young

Young people in small rural areas find it difficult to take part in the decision-making process. Their participation in local self-government is important for them and the community. Access of inform…


The project discusses the issue of domestic violence in rural areas. The proposed activities are: round tables in which one person will tell his story, and the others will find ways to approach the …
Social inclusion

Forgotten Kids

Kids of prisoners are hidden victims of their parent’s crime, lost in the system, forgotten. But their parent’s crime negatively influences their whole lives. MVS offers appropriate help to these kid…
Community development

Help rural youth find their inner civic self

Ana, 14, lives in rural Transylvania. She just got her ID but has no idea of its use. She often hears adults regretting Ceausescu’s era and criticizing Romania’s EU membership. She checks every indi…
Community development

It takes a village to raise a child

Vulnerable children across Romania are being left behind during COVID 19 crisis. They don’t have access to education, basic supplies, information related to prevention of COVID. And the longer child…
Social inclusion

"STEMpowering" Women in Prison

Victor Hugo once said “He who opens a school door, closes a prison”. The main aim of this project is to offer women enclosed in the prison of Eleona, Greece access to a STEAM (Science-Technology-Engi…
Social inclusion

Voices and facts for a more inclusive society

It is difficult to change public policies when data describing the situation of disadvantaged children and families are not sufficiently known to the public and when the voices of these people are no…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Young people fighting for their future

As young people do not have enough opportunities to do practical work and think about future, we decided to connect these factors and include Youth from rural areas of The Valley of Salek and prepare…