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Profile Sotos | Civic Europe



Social inclusion

Music Pathway to Social Inclusion

With overcrowded refugee camps in the islands the Greek government opens new shelters within the mainland. In 2019 Sparta received over 300 refugees, while locals demonstrated their opposition and an…

Youth Empowerment in Rural Area

Youth Empowerment in Rural Area is a project that brings to the public agenda of Romanian entities (the vision of young people on areas that have a direct impact on them, especially the diversificati…
Arts and cultural activities

Nikola Tesla Network

The main challenge is the ignorance of citizens about the work and life of genius Nikola Tesla, without whom and his scientific breakthroughs life today might have been utterly different for the whol…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Zerowaste Tomorrow

Basic concepts: Reduce, Reuse, Rethink, Recycle. Creating pratical working spaces, spaces that connect people, things and ideas. Working with the whole community to minimise waste by education and re…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Eat local, think healthy

Will we choose a healthier tomorrow? Pomurje region is defined by changes in the social structure related to health problems and unhealthy dietary patterns. Young people, the elderly, socially weake…
Community development

Go más allá! : you can do whatever you wish!

We aim to encourage youth to participate actively in their communities by providing them the skills needed. They will be trained on abilities about living in a global, intercultural and diverse socie…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Revival Traditions ❤️ 👑

Our project is focused to the use of Cultural Heritage and Natural Resources in Continuing Traditions. Our goal is to make a connection between the capital, small towns and villages,to strengthen rur…
Environment and sustainability

Rainwater belongs to the garden not to the canal

Because we considered the rain to be unnecessary, we took it to the rivers through canals and thus disrupted small water cycles. An average of 1% of water is lost every year. People do not realize th…


We address apathy to politics and governance. We unlock the potential of youngsters, we empower them with civic competences, we motivate them to get involved in strengthening participatory democracy.…
Sotos commented: 👏👏👏
on Rainwater belongs to the garden not to the canal
Sotos commented: We support Zero Waste Attitude! Good Luck!
on Zerowaste Tomorrow
Sotos commented: First of all Good Luck! We are really interesting…
on Nikola Tesla Network
Sotos commented: Your idea is a needed aim for sociocultural secto…
on Go más allá! : you can do whatever you wish!
Sotos commented: We support your statement! Good Luck to your effo…
on Eat local, think healthy
Sotos commented: Nice idea! Good Luck to your efforts!
on Youth Empowerment in Rural Area
Sotos commented: Nice idea! Good Luck!
on Life after CoOalL - The Mine of Democracy