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Profile Renata Lukasova | Civic Europe

Renata Lukasova

Renata Lukasova

Environment and sustainability | Health

Children love Natural world and are part of it

Historically humans lived in more rural and wild landscapes, and children spent more of their childhood outdoors, allowing exposure to more microbes. How could we plant a love of nature in kids havin…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Paws for Thought

In our country of Greece, state funds and health services are inadequate and inconsistent. This results in tensions rising on the allready strained subject of animal welfare. We propose the creation …
Community development | Education and research

Academy of Civic education

Citizens from small municipalities feel distrust in politics and lose motivation to be active. Politicians at the local level are not professionals, working usually part-time and fearing own mistakes…

S.M.I.L.E. - Sport Makes Inclusion a Lot Easier

„However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at“(S.Hawking). This quote encloses the spirit of our association and our project. Through sport activities we want …
Environment and sustainability | Social inclusion

Meals of Power

We collect food with close expiry dates, that might not be used otherwise, from producers or retailers. Then, with the help of volunteers, we distribute the food to the recipients. These are people w…
Community development | (Social) Entrepreneurship

vEDEN - the Eden of opportunities is Vidin

With vEDEN we want to break the the persistent narative that Vidin region is the poorest and most redundant area of Europe. Our project will demonstrate that each and every member of rural communitie…
Community development | Environment and sustainability


Agro-charrette aims to plant some seeds towards a participative, conscious, healthier, social and economically responsible rural community of a village in the north of Portugal: Apúlia. There is a l…
Community development | Environment and sustainability

50 Shades of Waste

“50 Shades of Waste” wants to investigate different shades of the waste topic, month by month taking into account The UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. The topic is strategical for the fut…
Community development | Education and research

Family-Educators Station for Thriving Community

Family is a human envelope in which people as individuals prepare for their actions/missions in society. But "it takes a village to raise a child", so educators and community play an important role t…
Renata Lukasova commented: Thank you so much, Janka! Your project looks grea…
on This is a great idea and an important issue to address. Support!
Renata Lukasova commented: Hi Dani, thanks a lot for your interest. Basicall…
on Love it! Perfectly matches with our Czech project at schools! I support you.
Renata Lukasova commented: Very nice, useful and family supportive initiativ…
on Meals of Power
Renata Lukasova commented: Dobrý den, super projekt! We work with the same t…
on Academy of Civic education
Renata Lukasova commented: I support you. Love your project!
on Paws for Thought
Renata Lukasova commented: Great project. I support you! It is in line with …
on Agro-charrette