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Profile PedroMorais | Civic Europe


Environment and sustainability

LEGIT - Laboratory for an Ecological Citizenship

LEGIT is an open lab striving to develop participatory and grassroots ecological citizenship, through an eco-parliament, community radio and book, participatory documentary and open letters. We are b…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

NaturPI - Working with and for the local community

We want to promote awareness not only about environmental but also social issues. Initiating a wave of change in peoples' mindset by educating, inspiring, creating ambassadors and recruiting voluntee…
Community development

Polis Heritage Paths

To raise awareness of the citizens about the tangible and intangible heritage of their "polis" (greek city), we engage them in a story-sharing procedure that will bring them closer to each other and …
Community development

Go más allá! : you can do whatever you wish!

We aim to encourage youth to participate actively in their communities by providing them the skills needed. They will be trained on abilities about living in a global, intercultural and diverse socie…
Social inclusion


The Natural and cultural wealth of the Rhodope mountains creates a sense of magic in every visitor but living there is a challenge for the locals. Because of the geographical features of the region a…
Environment and sustainability

Liquid Harmony

Water is a common good, rivers know no borders, therefore they belong to all. Water Democracy aims to empower citizens and NGOs to be actively involved in decision making and management regarding thi…
Environment and sustainability | Community development


We intend to create a civic living lab to build resilience and collectively overcome our local, communitary and ecological vulnerability, in the face of the global crisis scenarios we are actually de…
Social inclusion


Our project will be based in 15-20 parishes of Barcelos, where girls and women from rural areas and from marginalized communities (Roma, immigrant background) will take part in actions that permit th…
Community development

GOLDEN FISH: Fortune Lab for Youth

Currently in Bulgaria and Countries in Transition to Democracy there are no services for youth to realize their dreams in their birthplaces. The small settlements have unique cultural heritage, which…
PedroMorais commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on SEEDs
PedroMorais commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on Togetherness
PedroMorais commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on Common roots: trees that build community
PedroMorais commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on Feminism on Wheels
PedroMorais commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on Vez e Voz
PedroMorais commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on Point of (no) return
PedroMorais commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on Local Food 4 Local Economy
PedroMorais commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on Eleven Changes
PedroMorais commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on LAR project - Love and Respect in rural Portugal
PedroMorais commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on Camp In