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Profile PedroMorais | Civic Europe


Social inclusion


Our project will be based in 15-20 parishes of Barcelos, where girls and women from rural areas and from marginalized communities (Roma, immigrant background) will take part in actions that permit th…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Alternative Camps

Alternative Camps is a program that promotes frugal innovation in the post-pandemic society. It brings together groups of citizens (especially with a migrant background), institutions and local entre…
Environment and sustainability | Social inclusion

Better Together- growing a sustainable community

The project will be developed in a postwar rural community inhabited by socially excluded persons from different ethnic groups. The municipality is located in one of the poorest Municipalities in Cro…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Biela y Tierra / Crank and Earth

Biela y Tierra shows real projects which currently are alternatives to confronting the challenges we face as a society. Travelling by bike, we exchange experiences in depopulated areas to empower pro…
Community development

Camp In

Just a Change (JAC) is a non-profit dedicated to rebuild homes for those living in Housing Poverty. Since 2010, JAC has renovated more than 203 houses and 50 institutions, helping more than 1600 peop…
Environment and sustainability


The “CHANGE UP” is a community intervention project, facilitated by GAF (NGO), with people in Gouveia Municipality (PT), a rural council located in the inland of Portugal. The project aims to promote…
Community development

Civic Spaces on the Edge

How to turn vacant heritage buildings into catalysts for local civil society? Small towns and rural areas have a built heritage that is often undervalued and left to abandonment. These heritage space…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Common roots: trees that build community

Human beings have always gathered around a big tree to sort out how lo live together. We want to create a participative orchard managed by 100 families where all the fruit landraces and social groups…
Community development

Community Hub

The project aims to develop 6 disadvantaged communities in Valcea County (Baile Govora, Berbesti, Pausesti, Calimanesti, Balota, Madulari) by supporting local initiatives. The initiatives will be bas…
PedroMorais commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on SEEDs
PedroMorais commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on Togetherness
PedroMorais commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on Common roots: trees that build community
PedroMorais commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on Feminism on Wheels
PedroMorais commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on Vez e Voz
PedroMorais commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on Point of (no) return
PedroMorais commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on Local Food 4 Local Economy
PedroMorais commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on Eleven Changes
PedroMorais commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on LAR project - Love and Respect in rural Portugal
PedroMorais commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on Camp In