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Profile PedroMorais | Civic Europe


Environment and sustainability | Community development

Connecting local producers with local customers

We need to remove obstacles between local producers on one hand and local people and entrepreneurs on the other hand. We will promote local production as crucial part of local economy. We will connec…
Community development

Cooperative Territories (CT)

After the Quarantine period, there will be an increased need for collaboration and support. CT intends to exchange experiences and knowledge, to share skills, stories and ideas, especially outside …
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Culture Makers

The project Culture makers want to restore ancient craft knowledge related to the arts and crafts and connect younger women generations to older carriers of this knowledge, to bridge the gap in order…
Environment and sustainability | Community development


We intend to create a civic living lab to build resilience and collectively overcome our local, communitary and ecological vulnerability, in the face of the global crisis scenarios we are actually de…
Community development

Eleven Changes

Eleven Goals. Eleven groups. Eleven changes...both personal and local. The Eleven Changes project aims at taking 150 young people through a transformative learning process, challenging them to crit…
community award
Community development

Empowering rural women

The inclusion of women in entrepreneurship is a key contribution to the revitalization of rural areas and encourages the prevention of the growth of gender inequality. Target groups are: Women in ru…
Community development

Feminism on Wheels

This is a journey for gender equality, developed by human rights activists.We have a groundwork commitment to strengthen women participation.We aim to promote decentralized initiatives, deconstruct n…
Arts and cultural activities | Environment and sustainability

Festival Verão Azul and community projects

The anthropocene concept in known as a geological concept but today it has to be seen as a prismatic concept that involves economy and social issues, besides the environmental ones. With these projec…
Environment and sustainability

From the municipal garden to the school garden.

The project aims to strengthen citizen participation in terms of environmental sustainability in Valladolid, generating connections between the women participating in the municipal urban gardens and …
PedroMorais commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on SEEDs
PedroMorais commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on Togetherness
PedroMorais commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on Common roots: trees that build community
PedroMorais commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on Feminism on Wheels
PedroMorais commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on Vez e Voz
PedroMorais commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on Point of (no) return
PedroMorais commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on Local Food 4 Local Economy
PedroMorais commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on Eleven Changes
PedroMorais commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on LAR project - Love and Respect in rural Portugal
PedroMorais commented: We really like your project and we gave you our v…
on Camp In