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Profile OTOKOTROK | Civic Europe



Environment and sustainability

Botanicula - community garden

The condition is the involvement of all representatives of interest groups at the local level. At the same time, the project aims to understand the interconnectedness and interrelationship of economi…
Education and research | Social inclusion

Center for shared learning “I’m, therefore we’re”

Children and young people in Varna who do not feel well-accepted in educational institutions find it hard to appreciate their own individuality, significance and to develop their potential and talent…
Education and research

I Care about my City

The project "I Care about my City" fills the missing school curriculum of civic education for preschoolers and primary school children. It comes to the aid of parents and educators in starting conver…
Human rights | Social inclusion

Inclusive Playground “PlaYce for All”

Children with physical disabilities don’t have a place to play. They and their families are often isolated because most of the urban environment is not adapted to their needs. We join forces with chi…
Community development | Health

It’s on Our Plate and We Care

How to build a healthy environment for the whole school community, while respecting the boundaries of our planet? Almost everyone agrees that healthy school nutritional environment is important, but …
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

Let's Inspire The Children

Through interactive activities, we will introduce basic democratic principles to the students from five different schools in Devin District. We will involve them in a community dialogue with the resp…
Community development | Education and research

Mediation in the School - the Power of Dialog

Our ideas and goals for the project participants are to use mediation methods in the school with their classmates, teachers, parents, and friends. Conflicts at school can cause bullying. Through the …
Education and research | Social inclusion

Mother2Mother empowerment project

Children need their mothers in order to grow healthy and to gain values that they need for their whole Life. But mothers need support and empowerment too.Our Mo2Mo project provides a network for mama…
Health | Social inclusion

No One Is Free Until Everyone Is Free

At the suburbs of Zagreb and with the view on the main landfill of the Croatian capital, our team wants to create with asylum seekers and their new neighbors an oasis of dialogue and tolerance. In a …
OTOKOTROK commented: Ciao, What you do is very much important! Bravo! …
on Outdoor social workhop center
OTOKOTROK commented: Ciao, What you do is very much important! Bravo! …
on It’s on Our Plate and We Care
OTOKOTROK commented: Bravo! Great work! Wishing you the best of luck a…
on Botanicula - community garden
OTOKOTROK commented: Bravo! Your project is brilliant! Got a very simi…
on I Care about my City
OTOKOTROK commented: Ciao, What you do is very much important! Bravo! …
on Together for the City Center
OTOKOTROK commented: Ciao, What you do is very much important! Bravo! …
on No One Is Free Until Everyone Is Free
OTOKOTROK commented: Bravo! Such a brilliant idea! And so much importa…
on Healing dialogue - Mediation for families
OTOKOTROK commented: Great idea! Wishing you best of luck!
on Let's Inspire The Children
OTOKOTROK commented: Great idea! Wishing you best of luck!
on Inclusive Playground “PlaYce for All”