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Profile Laura González | Civic Europe

Laura González

Laura González

Community development | Environment and sustainability

Be Active - Be Eco

The project will be implemented in Požeško-slavonska county with the aim of promoting volunteering and active citizenship among children and youth and organizing 22 volunteer environmental actions de…
Environment and sustainability

City Air

The initiator and coordinator of the City Air program is The Romanian Smart City Association, along with its partners. City Air is an air quality monitoring program in schools on a national scale, ai…
Arts and cultural activities | Environment and sustainability

Culture for Climate

The aim of the project “Culture for Climate" ” is to organise series of socio-artistic interventions in 5 chosen communes of Lower Silesia (towns and rural), that will tackle environmental issues at …
Community development | Environment and sustainability

Walking toward SDG12

“Walking towards SDG12” was born from the meeting of two projects wherein Amycos is involved: “Stairway to SDG” and “Burgos, city for fairtrade”. The idea is to bring all the partners and knowledge a…
Laura González commented: Thank you very much!
on good luck with your project ! :)
Laura González commented: Rural development and arts! Congratulations! Good…
on Erratic-a laboratory of art and rural environment
Laura González commented: Really nice project. Congratulations. We also pre…
on Social dialogue for future through innovation