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Profile LALETA - LAnguage LEarning Technology trAdition - Лалета | Civic Europe

LALETA - LAnguage LEarning Technology trAdition - Лалета

LALETA - LAnguage LEarning Technology trAdition - Лалета

Community development

Silistra in My Dreams

We face apathy for social issues spreading among most people. We want to challenge the once losing faith in their own power to change our environment. With the first edition of the platform "Silistra…
Community development

"Citizens for Community"

Create 10 oases in the „civic deserts” in the region of Vidin, Bulgaria by infusing 7 polyvalent AGORA method to activate the communities’ immunity. National and local peer support networks will lead…
Community development | Human rights

What's The Problem?

In a city where poverty and human rights violations are a norm, youngsters and working-class people cannot defend themselves from social injustices in any way and become hostages to a poor living env…