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Profile Ivana Separovic | Civic Europe

Ivana Separovic

Ivana Separovic

Environment and sustainability | Youth participation and empowerment

ECO-PATROL - educate, activate, impact!

Through our project we want to provide groups of pupils (Eco-patrols) from 7 elementary schools in coastal and island area of our County with a safe, challenging and fun environment in which they can…
Environment and sustainability | Youth participation and empowerment

Exploring Pathways to an Ecological Renaissance

Vukovar in Croatian means sacrifice, war memories, divided community tied up to the past. Past engulfs the present tightly as 2021 marks 30 years since the city fell. Mindful of unhealed wounds our…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

No stone unturned

Learning the dry-stone walling skill through public workshops offers recovering addicts an opportunity to regain physical and mental abilities, respect from the community and a valuable skill. Tutori…