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Profile Iva Hari | Civic Europe

Iva Hari

Arts and cultural activities | Community development


Project was played around different communities in Slovenia in the times of quarantine, to ease our and inhabitants’ anxiety We realized that it is good w…
Social inclusion | Community development

Bridge for societies

There is a big lack of networking of associations in Slovenia. The project will connect all societies and provide them assistance at many points in their operation. Regardless of the main activity, i…
Community development

Connecting Roma – Communities for knowledge

Project is dedicated to promote participation of local Roma councillors in municipality councils in the region of Dolenjska and Bela krajina and integration process through activities for Roma youth …
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Dream a Future

Bringing together in conversation and networking citizens of all 3 regions of our county in innovative and inclusive way to discuss common problems and find solutions for balanced development of all …
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Eat local, think healthy

Will we choose a healthier tomorrow? Pomurje region is defined by changes in the social structure related to health problems and unhealthy dietary patterns. Young people, the elderly, socially weake…

Education for Love of Homeland and Country

By educating teachers and enabling the exchange of opinions and experiences (workshops and lectures, internet, e-proceedings) we want to achieve greater awareness and more knowledge in the field of e…
Community development

I FOR US TOO. We build our city cronicle.

Our city is one of the oldest city in Europe. It has not had its chronicler for at least 150 years. Can we write our future - tomorrow's history - by ourselves? In this project we are going to form …
Social inclusion

Inclusion is democracy

Slovenia's new integration strategy for migrants and refugees is severely lacking where it should be strongest: a) in providing migrant and refugees out of the Ljubljana (capital city) urban center w…
Social inclusion | Community development

Proud in the Village

LGBT+ life in Slovenia is completely concentrated in the capital while rural areas are conservative and skeptic of anything "different". Our solution: we bring the LGBT+ in those areas! We will rent …
Iva Hari commented: Ojla, poglejte tudi našo idejo in glasujte, če re…
on Inclusion is democracy
Iva Hari commented: Ojla, poglejte tudi našo idejo in glasujte, če re…
Iva Hari commented: Ojla, poglejte tudi našo idejo in glasujte, če re…
on Connecting Roma – Communities for knowledge
Iva Hari commented: Ojla, poglejte tudi našo idejo in glasujte, če re…
on I FOR US TOO. We build our city cronicle.
Iva Hari commented: Ojla, poglejte tudi našo idejo in glasujte, če re…
on Proud in the Village
Iva Hari commented: Ojla, poglejte tudi našo idejo in glasujte, če re…
on Education for Love of Homeland and Country
Iva Hari commented: Ojla, poglejte tudi našo idejo, se mi zdita podob…
on Bridge for societies
Iva Hari commented:
on Bridge for societies
Iva Hari commented:
on Bridge for societies
Iva Hari commented:
on Bridge for societies