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Profile IMP | Civic Europe



YOUth Can Make a Change

Active citizenship has a vital role in building and maintaining a democratic society. Whereas a lack of interest and knowledge are predominant reasons for political apathy, fear and group closure can…
Arts and cultural activities


Developing a civil, open and democratic society is achieved through the production of new artistic practices and youth subculture, with active participation of citizens as co-creators of art works an…

Youth Empowerment in Rural Area

Youth Empowerment in Rural Area is a project that brings to the public agenda of Romanian entities (the vision of young people on areas that have a direct impact on them, especially the diversificati…
Arts and cultural activities

Nikola Tesla Network

The main challenge is the ignorance of citizens about the work and life of genius Nikola Tesla, without whom and his scientific breakthroughs life today might have been utterly different for the whol…
Social inclusion

Youth Democracy Academy

Bringing youth at the center of the stage and breaking a top-down approach in democracy. These are the main aims of “Youth Democracy Academy”, a program that will take place in four Portuguese munici…
Social inclusion

Second Tree Solidarity Centre

The Solidarity Centre brings colour to local life and dignity to thousands of refugees currently isolated from it. Through the concept of a co-working space, the Centre provides much-needed services …
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Be eco, says the bee’s echo!

We have a land close to Nocrich (Sibiu) where we intend to create a youth ecological farm: to plant melliferous trees and plants and to grow bees with the community children from the villages around.…
Community development

Empowerment of people with rare forms of diabetes

Very few people know that the average time to diagnose a rare disease worldwide is about 5 years. These are years of research, ambiguity, symptomatic treatment and excruciating anxiety for the person…
Community development

No limit for Youth Democracy

Rural areas are facing a challenge: the depopulation of youngsters due to overall dissatisfaction with the quality of life. Absence of cultural life strikes youth seriously. Conservative democratic s…
IMP commented: It is crucial to work on the filed of youth! Best…
on Youth Empowerment in Rural Area
IMP commented: Great projects brings big awareness. Good luck wi…
on Be eco, says the bee’s echo!
IMP commented: We like the participatory process of the project.…
on Messolonghi by Locals
IMP commented: Good luck with a project!
on It takes a village to raise a child
IMP commented:
on Youth Empowerment in Rural Area
IMP commented:
on Be eco, says the bee’s echo!
IMP commented:
on Messolonghi by Locals
IMP commented:
on It takes a village to raise a child