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Profile Grow Up Romania | Civic Europe

Grow Up Romania

Community development | Social inclusion


Ageism is a global challenge negatively affecting health, economy and communities. COVID-19 pandemic also increased older adults’ loneliness. Intergenerational interventions bring together old and yo…
Community development | Youth participation and empowerment

Youth Educational Centre Găujani

In rural areas civil Society is almost non-existent, the voice of young people is not expressed or heard. Our project offers means of empowerment to young people for them to increase the quality of t…
Education and research

Teaching Teachers to Teach Citizens

Tolerance, respect for others, defence of democratic values are notions that we gain at home. If we don´t, we can still learn them at school. But it´s much more difficult. It´s why we need the best t…
Grow Up Romania now watches idea "I Care about my City"