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Profile FESCOOP | Civic Europe



Community development

Money with a purpose

Creation of a community currency for Espinho to strengthen small trade and local production, create economic impact and a sense of community. Its creation will be driven by a cross-sectoral cooperati…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Young people fighting for their future

As young people do not have enough opportunities to do practical work and think about future, we decided to connect these factors and include Youth from rural areas of The Valley of Salek and prepare…
Community development

“I AM WE” project

Creating a digital interactive infrastructure - a new environment for online communication between representatives of local NGOs, Municipality, Social Entrepreneurs in small settlements and Academies…
Community development

It takes a village to raise a child

Vulnerable children across Romania are being left behind during COVID 19 crisis. They don’t have access to education, basic supplies, information related to prevention of COVID. And the longer child…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

IMIS - Intelligent Migrant Integration System

The proposal intends to create an app backed by a website that will work as a local grass-route social network for cultural interactions. IMIS will focus on migrants, developing and implementing a cu…
Community development

"A vecinal": Cooperative and Fair-Supplying

Contribute to caring for the planet by offering an alternative for transforming the consumption model: we have started by opening a storing plac to connect little producers, artisans and agroecologis…
Community development

Creativity/Financial literacy /Career FOR YOUNG

We want to give young people the opportunity to develop their creativity, to learn financial literacy and to choose the right career path. The project will involve mentors from different fields, busi…
Community development

Civic Leaders | Bucovina

We're in a small city in Romania (Bucovina) with 20.000 people where the cultural life went out totally due to lack of infrastructure, funding and public demand. Our objective is to mobilize 20 p…