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Eva Ortuñez

Eva Ortuñez

Social inclusion | Community development

Lifeology for teenagers – subject about you

through more than 100nonformal learning methods and activities,they are able to raise their skills for REAL LIFE.Through main 4 topics:Innerscience–how to find their strengths,weaknesses, selfrespect…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Tinkering for the future

This project aimed to stimulate the bottom-up maker education movement to the families by introducing them to the practices of maker education through a “Tinkering Toolkit” and its use for the develo…
Community development

Empowering the young

Young people in small rural areas find it difficult to take part in the decision-making process. Their participation in local self-government is important for them and the community. Access of inform…
Community development

Go más allá! : you can do whatever you wish!

We aim to encourage youth to participate actively in their communities by providing them the skills needed. They will be trained on abilities about living in a global, intercultural and diverse socie…
Community development

No limit for Youth Democracy

Rural areas are facing a challenge: the depopulation of youngsters due to overall dissatisfaction with the quality of life. Absence of cultural life strikes youth seriously. Conservative democratic s…
Social inclusion | Community development

A normal autistic world

The idea is, on one hand, to organize a series of outings in the community for the children and teenagers with autism to better integrate into society and on the other hand meetings and workshops to …
Community development

Help rural youth find their inner civic self

Ana, 14, lives in rural Transylvania. She just got her ID but has no idea of its use. She often hears adults regretting Ceausescu’s era and criticizing Romania’s EU membership. She checks every indi…
Community development

Design for active society (DAS)

Only 6% of Karnobat’s population is aged up to 29 years old. Young people migrate to big cities for more opportunities & prestige. The problem is in the perceived lack of perspective, boredom, & limi…
Community development

It takes a village to raise a child

Vulnerable children across Romania are being left behind during COVID 19 crisis. They don’t have access to education, basic supplies, information related to prevention of COVID. And the longer child…
Eva Ortuñez commented: La tecnología al servicio de las personas, un gra…
on Tinkering for the future
Eva Ortuñez commented: Supporting the development of values and skills i…
on Lifeology for teenagers – subject about you
Eva Ortuñez commented: What a good idea, we'd love to hear more about it…
on Go más allá! : you can do whatever you wish!
Eva Ortuñez commented: A very good idea! Diversity is a richness for soc…
on A normal autistic world
Eva Ortuñez commented: A great idea and we love creative work methodolog…
on Design for active society (DAS)
Eva Ortuñez commented: Good luck with your great idea! It is essential t…
on Empowering the young
Eva Ortuñez commented: We agree with the need for young people to take a…
on No limit for Youth Democracy
Eva Ortuñez commented: A great idea and much needed after the COVID. Pee…
on It takes a village to raise a child
Eva Ortuñez commented: Great idea, the future belongs to young people an…
on Help rural youth find their inner civic self